Construction site of the Peljesac Bridge near Komarna, Croatia

A Chinese consortium led by China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC) won the bid for the first phase of the bridge and its access roads in January 2018.

The 2.4km-long cable-stayed bridge will connect the southern tip of the Croatian mainland to the Peljesac Peninsula. Construction officially kicked off in 2018 and has been progressing well since then.

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Renovation of Beijing’s Xiaotangshan Hospital is underway

China’s virus response has been ‘breathtaking’

President Xi Jinping formally told WHO head Tedros Ghebreyesus, at their meeting in Beijing earlier this week, that the coronavirus epidemic “is a devil and we cannot allow the devil to hide.”

Ghebreyesus for his part could not but praise Beijing for its extremely swift, coordinated response strategy – which includes fast identification of the genome sequence. Chinese scientists have already handed over to Russian counterparts the virus genome, with snap tests able to identify it in a human body within two hours. A Russia-China vaccine is under development.

The devil, of course, is always in the details. In a matter of a few days, at the peak of the most congested travel period of the year, China did manage to quarantine an urban environment of over 56 million people, including megalopolis Wuhan and three nearby cities. This is an absolute first in terms of public health, anytime in history.

Wuhan, with a GDP growth of 8.5% a year, is a significant business center for China. It lies at the strategic crossroads of the Yangtze and Han rivers and at a railway crossroads as well – between the north-south axis linking Guangzhou to Beijing and the east-west axis linking Shanghai to Chengdu.

As premier Li Keqiang was sent to Wuhan, President Xi visited the strategic southern province of Yunnan, where he extolled the immense government apparatus to boost control and sanitary prevention mechanisms to limit propagation of the virus.

Coronavirus catches China at an extremely sensitive juncture – after the (failed) Hybrid War tactics displayed in Hong Kong; an American pro-Taiwan offensive; the trade war far from solved by a mere “phase 1” deal while more sanctions are being plotted against Huawei; and even the assassination of Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, which ultimately is about targeting the expansion of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in Southwest Asia (Iran-Iraq-Syria).

The Big Picture spells out Total Information War and non-stop weaponization of the China “threat” – now even metastasized, with racist overtones, as a bio-threat. So how vulnerable is China?

A people’s war

For almost five years now a maximum-security biolab has been operating in Wuhan dedicated to the study of highly pathogenic micro-organisms – set up in partnership with France after the SARS epidemic. In 2017, Nature magazine was warning about the risks of dispersion of pathogenic agents out of this lab. Yet there’s no evidence this might have happened.

In crisis management terms, President Xi has lived up to the occasion – ensuring that China fights coronavirus with nearly total transparency (after all, the internet wall remains in place). Beijing has warned the whole government apparatus in no uncertain terms not to attempt any cover-ups. A real-time webpage, in English, here, is available to everyone. Whoever is not doing enough will face serious consequences. One can imagine what awaits the party chief in Hubei, Jiang Chaoliang.

A post that went viral all over the mainland this past Sunday states, “We in Wuhan have truly entered the stage of people’s war against the new viral pneumonia”; and many people, “mainly Communist Party members” have been confirmed as “volunteers and observers according to street units.”

Crucially, the government directed everyone to install a “Wuhan Neighbors” applet downloaded from WeChat. That determines “our home’s quarantine address through satellite positioning, and then lock on our affiliated community organization and volunteers. Thenceforth, our social activities and information announcements would be connected to the system.”

Theoretically, this means that “anyone who develops a fever will report their condition through the network as soon as possible. The system will immediately provide an online diagnosis, and locate and register your quarantine address. If you need to see a doctor, your community will arrange a car to send you to the hospital through volunteers. At the same time, the system will track your progress: hospitalization, treatment at home, discharge, death, etc.”

So here we have millions of Chinese citizens totally mobilized in what’s routinely described as a “people’s war” using “high technology to fight against illness.” Millions are also drawing their own conclusions when comparing it with the use of app software to fight against the police in Hong Kong.

The biogenetic puzzle

Apart from crisis management, the speed of the Chinese scientific response has been breathtaking – and obviously not fully appreciated in an environment of Total Information War. Compare the Chinese performance with the American CDC, arguably the top infectious disease research agency in the world, with an $11 billion annual budget and 11,000 employees.

During the Ebola epidemic in West Africa in 2014 – considered a maximum urgency, and facing a virus with a 90% fatality rate – the CDC took no less than two months from getting the first patient sample to identifying the complete genomic sequence. The Chinese did it in a few days.

During the swine flu in the US in 2009 – 55 million infected Americans, 11,000 killed – the CDC took over a month and a half to come up with identification kits.

The Chinese took only one week from the first patient sample to complete, vital identification and sequencing of coronavirus. Right away, they went for publication and deposit in the genomics library for immediate access by the whole planet. Based on this sequence, Chinese biotech companies produced validated essays within a week – also a first.

And we’re not even talking about the now notorious building of a brand new state of the art hospital in Wuhan in record time just to treat victims of coronavirus. No victims will pay for their treatment. Additionally, Healthy China 2030the reform of the health/development system, will be boosted.

Coronavirus opens a true Pandora’s box on biogenetics. Serious questions remain about experiences in vivo in which the consent of “patients” will not be required – considering the collective psychosis initially developed by Western corporate media and even the WHO around coronavirus. Coronavirus could well become a pretext for genetic experiments via vaccines.

Meanwhile, it’s always enlightening to remember Great Helmsman Mao Zedong. For Mao, the top two political variables were “independence” and “development.” That implies full sovereignty. As Xi seems determined to prove a sovereign civilization-state is able to win a scientific “people’s war,” that does not exactly spell out “vulnerability.”

Prophesy Written on 1-30-20

Written on 1-30-20
To the quick response teams: mission accomplished;
to the Pentagram Satanist: don’t try it, we are prepared;
to the masses: trust your government, you will live;
to the investors: China is safe and secure, welcome;
to the fear porn medias: thank you, can’t do it without you.

What makes a great country







*醫生護士搶着報名趕赴武漢* :









武漢85家賓館酒店:“ 我店醫務人員全免費體息!”











China’s top 10 infrastructure projects for 2020 and beyond will help boost its slowing economy

1. Chongqing-Kunming high-speed railway (US$20.5 billion)

The 141.62 billion yuan project will see a 699km high-speed railway built between Chongqing and Kunming. The project, which will take six years to complete, will involve 20 stops and connect Chongqing, Luzhou and Yibin in Sichuan province, Bijie in Guizhou province, and Zhaotong, Qujing, and Kunming in Yunnan province.

It is hoped the project, which will have a top speed of up to 350km/h, will help lift the western towns and villages out of poverty, while better connecting cities in the region.

2. Chengdu urban rail transit phase IV (US$19.1 billion)

A total of eight urban rail transit lines, with a total length of 176.65km, will be constructed between 2019 to 2024 in Chengdu, the capital city of southwestern China’s Sichuan province.

The projects aims to help accelerate the development of Chengdu, which is one of China’s nine “national central cities” along with Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Zhengzhou, and Xian.

The nine cities are focused on an export-oriented economy as well as promoting international cultural exchange.

A total of seven urban rail transit lines, including the extension of one existing line, are set to be constructed in Zhengzhou from 2019 to 2024. Photo: Reuters

3. Zhengzhou urban rail transit phase III (US$16.5 billion)

A total of seven urban rail transit lines, including the extension of one existing line, are set to be constructed in Zhengzhou from 2019 to 2024. The project in the capital of Henan province will cover 159.6km and is expected to cost 113.89 billion yuan.

The network is aimed at implementing the strategy of urban agglomeration in Henan province and easing the central Chinese city’s traffic congestion.

4. Xian urban rail transit (US$14 billion)

From 2019 to 2024, seven urban rail transit lines will be constructed in Xian, the capital city of Shaanxi province in central China.

The seven projects, with a total investment of 96.85 billion yuan, aim to accelerate the integration of Xian and the neighbouring city of Xianyang.

China approved 26 infrastructure projects with a total expected investment of 981.7 billion yuan (US$142 billion) in 2019. Photo: Xinhua

5. Beijing urban rail transit phase II adjustment (US$12.5 billion)

A series of changes will take place in the construction of Beijing’s urban rail transit project, which will cost 86.57 billion yuan. The revised project will be completed in four years.

The Daxing Airport Express will connect Beijing’s new airport and the Lize Financial Business District in the city’s Fengtai District, instead of the previously planned Caoqiao station.

The plan includes transforming Line 13 into two branch lines, as well as a section that will be used for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games.

6. Shenyang-Baihe high-speed railway (US$10.5 billion)

With a total investment of 72.29 billion yuan, the high-speed rail project will connect the northeastern provinces of Liaoning and Jilin, with the 428.8km line set to be constructed within four and a half years.

Starting from Shenyang, the capital and largest city in Liaoning, the line will pass through the city of Fushun and cities of Tonghua and Baishan in Jilin province as well as the Yanbian Korean Autonomous prefecture before arriving at the Changbai Mountains on the border with North Korea.

The project is aimed at helping rejuvenate the rust and belt cities in the northeast of China, which are suffering from declining natural resources and migration, while authorities hope it can also boost tourism.

7. Baotou-Yinchuan high-speed railway (US$7.9 billion)

To accelerate the construction of the Beijing-Lanzhou high-speed railway, a section of the long-term project will be completed in four years, starting from Baotou, a city in Inner Mongolia, and reaching Huinong, a district in the northernmost part of the Ningxia autonomous region.

With a total investment of 54.63 billion yuan, the section will cover 419.3km and will include nine stops, with trains travelling at 250km/h.

The section also includes a 100km branch line connecting Yinchuan, the capital of the Ningxia autonomous region, and Bayanhot, a town in Inner Mongolia.

8. Xianyang International Airport expansion (US$6.8 billion)

With a total investment of 47.14 billion yuan, Xian in Shaanxi province will expand Xianyang International Airport, with the aim of being able to handle 83 million passengers by 2030.

Three new runways, with a total length of 10.6km, and a 700,000 square metre (7.5 million sq ft) terminal will be built as part of the project.

An air traffic control facility and two oil supply facilities will also be constructed.

With a total investment of 47.14 billion yuan, Xian will expand its Xianyang International Airport, with the aim of being able to handle 83 million passengers by 2030. Photo: Xinhua

9. Intercity railway adjustment in Fujian province (US$6.2 billion)

Two sections that form part of the intercity railway network in Fujian, namely between Fuzhou Railway Station and Fuzhou Changle Airport as well as Putian Railway Station to the Municipal Government station in Putian, will be upgraded with a total investment of 43.34 billion yuan.

The two sections will total 81.2km once the work has been completed.

10. Puyang-Jinan high-speed railway (US$6 billion)

A high-speed rail link connecting the city of Puyang in Henan province and Jinan in Shandong province will be constructed in the next four years.

The section of the Zhengzhou-Jinan high-speed railway totals 209.7km and will require investment of 40.93 billion yuan.