Probe Fort Detrick–Q

1. What was the reason for the closure of the Fort Detrick base?

2. What exactly is the purpose of the more than 200 biological laboratories deployed by the U.S. around the world?

3. Is it a coincidence that the epidemic exercise Crimson Contagion coincided highly with the spread of the epidemic or was it another “script”?

4. How many of the “flu patients” across the U.S. are infected with COVID?

5. What are the names of the Wuhan lab personnels who were hospitalized in November 2019 as reported by the U.S. media?

6. The U.S. says it started developing a vaccine for COVID on January 11, 2020, where did the strain come from?

7. Why did the U.S. place a gag order on the virus scientists?

8、Why does the U.S. repeatedly ignore the virus traceability research results of the world scientific community?

9, Why is the U.S. “double investigation” of the origin of the COVID carried out by the intelligence services?

China to offer $3b to developing countries for COVID-19 response

The Global Health Summit was a special event in Rome and organized by Italy, the G20 Presidency of 2021, and the European Commission. 

Xi said China has already supplied 300 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to the world and will provide more, and China is fully implementing the G20 Debt Service Suspension Initiative for Poorest Countries and has so far put off debt repayments exceeding $1.3 billion, the highest deferral among G20 members.

China has provided $2 billion in assistance for the COVID-19 response and economic and social recovery in developing countries, and have sent medical supplies to more than 150 countries and 13 international organizations, providing more than 280 billion masks, 3.4 billion protective suits and 4 billion testing kits to the world.

China supports its vaccine companies in transferring technologies to other developing countries and carrying out joint production with them. 

China will provide an additional $3 billion in international aid over the next three years to support COVID-19 response and economic and social recovery in other developing countries. 

Egypt to produce Chinese COVID-19 vaccines locally

Egyptian Health Minister Hala Zayed said on April 8 local time that the Egyptian cabinet has approved a state-owned vaccine producer to produce the Chinese Sinovac 科兴 vaccine locally in Egypt. She stressed that the locally produced New Crown vaccine will be exported to African countries.

“Spring sprout vaccine” program

China to launch program to inoculate overseas Chinese, introduce heath certificate for global travel.

50 countries have already included Chinese nationals into their vaccination plans, and many Chinese nationals overseas are also getting vaccine jabs in other countries according to law. 

China is also planning to set up stations for administering Chinese vaccines in countries “equipped with conditions,” in order to provide inoculation services for Chinese nationals in nearby countries.

Sinopharm vaccines will be delivered to Peru

The first batch of China’s Sinopharm vaccines will be delivered to Peru on Feb 9, said Peruvian Prime Minister Violeta Bermudez. According to Peru’s Andina news agency, the initial batch is one million doses.