Pakistan to purchase vaccine from China’s Sinopharm

In a meeting of a Special Cabinet Committee constituted as an oversight body for procurement of the COVID-19 vaccine, it was decided that Pakistan will follow the practice of most of the countries to pre-book COVID-19 vaccine based on preliminary results in order to ensure the timely availability of the vaccines.

Ukraine to buy Sinovac vaccine

Ukraine has signed an agreement to buy 1.8 million doses of China’s Sinovac COVID19 vaccine which are expected to arrive in the country soon, the presidential office said on Wed.

First 3 million doses of China’s vaccine will arrive in Turkey today

The first 3 million doses of vaccine received in Turkey will be shipped from Beijing to Istanbul via Turkish Airlines on the 30th local time. The vaccine will first arrive at Istanbul airport and then be shipped to Ankara. Turkey has earlier signed an agreement to purchase a total of 50 million doses of Chinese vaccine.

1-13-21 Turkey approved emergence use of COVID19 vaccine CoronaVac developed by Chinese company Sinovac.

Low temperature plasma disinfection technology

Scientists in NE China’s Liaoning made a breakthrough on low temperature plasma disinfection technology ‌amid a rise in imported cold chain food threats. Lab tests show 99.99% of the COVID19 virus is eliminated.

Canada added to high-risk list

12-18-20 The Government of Hong Kong today announced it will gazette new specifications to impose conditions on travellers who visited Canada within 14 days before arriving in Hong Kong to combat COVID-19 more effectively.
Travellers who have stayed in Canada 14 days before arriving in Hong Kong must provide documents showing they tested negative for COVID-19 and their reservation for a hotel in Hong Kong for not less than 14 nights.

Irradiation technology

Irradiation technology is expected to be used to kill coronavirus found in cold chain food, said China National Nuclear Corporation on Thurs. There have been multiple reports in China of imported cold-chain food packaging testing positive for COVID19.

Bahrain approves Sinopharm’s COVID-19 vaccine

12-13-20 Bahraini government has registered a COVID19 vaccine developed by Chinese producer CNBG after reviewing its phase 3 clinical trial data that shows 86% efficacy rate, and 100% efficacy in preventing medium and severe symptoms.
CNBG, a subsidiary of Sinopharm, said Sat that it expects to produce 1 billion doses of COVID19 vaccine next year. So far, it has carried out phase III clinical trials in 10 countries and regions worldwide on 60,000 subjects.

COVID19 vaccine arrived in Cairo

12-11-20 The 1st batch of China-made COVID19 vaccine arrived in Cairo on Fri. Egyptian Minister of Health & Population Hala Zayed said China’s vaccine is safe and she had been one of the volunteers for clinical trials. China’s vaccine received final emergency approval from Egypt on Wed.