Sinovac’s Covid19 vaccine arrived in Brazil

12-4-20 600 liters (1 mln doses) of Chinese producer Sinovac’s Covid19 vaccine has arrived in Brazil. It is the second batch of the Chinese vaccine after 120,000 doses arrived in November.

Sao Paulo’s governor Joao Doria was at the airport to receive the shipment.

United Virus 2019

American study finds signs of coronavirus in US before China outbreak

US CDC says blood samples taken in nine states before cases were reported in Wuhan tested positive for antibodies for the pathogen.

Results indicate that infections might have happened in the western US earlier than previously thought, scientists say.

Prof Alexander Kekulé, MD PhD Director, Institute for Biosecurity Research. Professor in Virology and Microbiology. Former German Fed Govt adviser on disease control.

October Hoax

10-5-20 ‘I feel better than I did 20 years ago’: Trump announces he’s ready to leave the hospital Monday evening. Want to feel 20 years younger? Get infected.

Trump driving by his supporters outside Walter Reed military hospital. 10-4-20

Trump predicted the October Surprise, and he is well after a couple of days of treatment, what a fake.

Trump and Melania tested positive for coronavirus, the President twitted early Friday morning. 10-2-20.
Trump had been taken to Walter Reed on Friday
The sick

Documentaries on Wuhan battling Covid-19
纪录片《同心战“疫”》第一集《令出如山》 #紀錄片《同心戰‘’疫‘’ 》
第二集 生死阻击 | CCTV「同心战“疫”」