3 new naval ships

4-23-21 The three ships include:

– Changzheng-18, a Type 094A ballistic missile submarine that is capable launching “second strike,” which means counterattacking enemies after they used nuclear weapons to attack China.

– Hainan, a Type 075 amphibious assault ship that is used to land on enemy territories – a mission similar to the well-known Normandy landings – and act as a command ship during such operations.

– Dalian, a Type 055 destroyer that can act as a guardian ship to carriers like Liaoning and Shandong.


China is ready for Trump’s mad exit

The Trump administration is frantically using the last forty days of its term to provoke China, and some believe that it is not worth it to fight his team now, and that it is better to be patient. This is a dangerous strategy. Because if they think we will endure, they will be more and more reckless and will do things that will seriously harm China’s national interests and will set an example for future Biden administrations to follow.

  We must be resolute in combating the arrogance of the Trump team, and not be afraid to engage in a high-intensity confrontation with them if they crosses the red line.

  Recently, there have been various speculations that the Trump team may make a big move against the Taiwan issue at the last moment before leaving office, including sending Pompeo to Taiwan, or even Trump himself making a lightning visit to Taiwan and announcing the establishment of diplomatic relations with Taiwan, etc. The recent visit of Asia-Pacific intelligence officials to Taiwan was a front-runner. In that case, our response would have to be thunderous to kill the DPP authorities who cooperated with the Trump administration in doing so. As the lightest option, we would have to send fighter jets to fly over the island and, depending on the severity of the situation, declare China’s sovereignty by flying either a general overflight of the island or an ultra-low altitude flight in Taipei, which would be a heavy blow to U.S.-Taiwan arrogance.

  We need to have full confidence that the Trump team, though acting crazy now, is at its weakest and least supported before it leaves office. The world can see that they are undermining U.S.-China relations in an unprecedented, anti-regulation way, trying to lay down a tougher line on China for the next U.S. administration. This is their attempt to dominate U.S. national strategy across the term, and it is a serious disruption of the normal transition of power.

  Internationally, the Trump administration is provoking China, and this judgment can be made at a glance. A visit to Taiwan by Pompeo and above would be a gross violation of the one-China principle, which will never be accepted by Beijing, and which is expected by the world. The world will have some understanding of the strong reaction of mainland China at this time.

  Therefore, we are not afraid of a serious crisis in the Taiwan Strait at this time, let our warplanes fly over the island of Taiwan, we will form a counterattack against the U.S. and Taiwan to break their moral self-righteousness, the Taiwan army does not dare to open fire on the PLA planes, once they open fire, it means the outbreak of war, our military can immediately carry out a devastating blow to the Taiwanese military airfield and other important military facilities.

  Our army is well prepared for such a military struggle, and the entire nation will certainly share the same hatred for the enemy. Taiwan’s morale will quickly disintegrate, while the U.S. side will find it difficult to gain the support of the entire U.S. society that is needed for a high-intensity confrontation between the U.S. and China, as this is an unorthodox operation by Trump before he leaves office, with obvious one-party self-interest and the small-circle ambitions of his ruling team. The end result of this conflict will surely be a victory for our side and a gloomy farewell to power for the Trump team.

  We need to take it easy and let nature take its course. The current bad situation in U.S.-China relations is not what we want to see. However, if there is no way to avoid disaster, and we need to face the storm that the Trump administration is stirring up in its finale .

  China is a nuclear power, a space power, we have ample combat power near the first island chain, and a strong counter-intervention capability. Win this fight and we will achieve a new level of foreign authority.

  • 解放军军机今早一连3架次进入台西南空域。解放军军机本月累计进入台西南空域7天,也是连续第11天进入台西南空域。
  • PLA warships recently conducted real scenario-oriented exercises in the South China Sea, media reported on Monday, a day after the US sailed warships into the region on Sunday.

Chinese military urged to modernize theories, organization, weapons to reach PLA’s 2027 centennial goal

https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1208192.shtml The Chinese military was urged to modernize military theories, organizations, personnel and weapons and equipment in order to reach its centennial goal by 2027 recently set by the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, the Chinese Ministry of National Defense said on Thursday. It marked the first time that the country’s defense ministry explained the goal after it was unveiled in the country’s new development plan for the next five and 15 years approved at a key Party meeting in late October and a new military outline released in early this month stressed design on future warfare.

Chinese military development goal by 2027:

  • Integrated devt of mechanization, informatization and intelligentization
  • Modernized theories, organizations, personnel and weapons and equipment
  • Quality and effectiveness
  • In tandem with economic devt

PLA Air Force promotion video

PLA Air Force released a promotion video on Sunday in a bid to attract new recruits and celebrate the 71st anniversary of the founding of the People’s Air Force.

Xi spoke


抗美援朝的伟大胜利和今后的任务 毛泽东(一九五三年九月十二日)

Drone war is the future

  • From Strato Energetics: The Stinger is our first mass-produced mini-weapon. It’s fully autonomous with wide-field cameras, tactical sensors, facial recognition, processors that can react 100 times faster than a human, and its stochastic motion is an anti-sniper feature. Inside it are three grams of shaped explosives that offer just enough power to penetrate the skull and kill the target with surgical precision.
  • In 8-18, two drones loaded with C4 explosives swept past a parade of soldiers to launch an attack on Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.
  • 9-14-19 Drone attacks claimed by Yemen’s Houthi rebels struck two key oil installations inside Saudi Arabia on Saturday, damaging facilities that process the vast majority of the country’s crude output and raising the risk of a disruption in world oil supplies.
  • 1-2-20 Iran’s top security and intelligence commander Qassim Suleimani was killed early Friday in a drone strike at Baghdad International Airport that was authorized by President Trump, American officials said.
  • 9-28-20 A major conflict has erupted between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the long-disputed mountainous Nagorno-Karabakh region, with casualties being reported on both sides after just two days of fighting. The Azerbaijani military says that its expanding drone fleet, which may now include Turkey’s increasingly popular Bayraktar TB2, has been particularly active already, destroying multiple Armenian mobile air defense systems, tanks, and other vehicles.
  • 9-29-20 China’s first independently developed unmanned helicopter that will focus on plateau operation successfully completed its maiden flight in a plateau region, a milestone that demonstrates the capability of this agile drone. The AR-500C prototype completed its first plateau flight at the Daocheng Yading Airport, which is the world’s highest civilian airport with an elevation of 4,411 meters, the state-owned Aviation Industry Corp of China (AVIC), the aircraft’s developer, said in a statement on Monday. This flight broke the record for the elevation at which a domestically built unmanned helicopter took off and landed.
    Unlike fixed-wing drones, a helicopter drone is more flexible since it does not require long runways.

China holds military drills in four seas amid tensions with Taiwan and U.S.

China has simultaneously been holding military drills in the South and East China seas as well as the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea, naval authorities said Monday, amid escalating tensions with Taiwan and the United States.

The authorities have prohibited ships from navigating in the waters where the exercises have been held. The exercises, being conducted by a command based in Fujian Province facing Taiwan, are apparently aimed at landing on the island.

The message is clear, unification by force is near.