Chinese “Silent Killer” laser weapon for sale


First Arab country acquires new Chinese missile system BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:30 A.M.) – China has started exporting the third generation of their Red Arrow-12 anti-tank systems, also known as the HJ-12.

According to the China Defense website, Algeria has become the first Arab country to obtain the upgraded Chinese anti-tank system.

Not surprisingly, the Algerian military has long-standing relationships with the Chinese military-industrial complex. It has bought from China self-propelled howitzers, mortars, and multiple missile launch systems, as well as reconnaissance and attack drones and marine equipment.

Arms control: Statement by the Spokesperson on the ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty by China

China has become the 107th State Party to the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).

By acceding to the ATT, China, an important arms exporter, contributes to the advancement of the Treaty’s objectives to regulate the international trade in conventional arms, to prevent and eradicate the illicit trade in conventional arms and ammunition, and to prevent their diversion. Increased transparency in international arms trade is another important objective of the Treaty.

As with all international treaties, full implementation and universal adherence is essential. This is an important development as a more responsible global arms trade would contribute to peace, security and stability, reduce human suffering, and promote cooperation, transparency and increased confidence. It would also create better conditions for sustainable development. The European Union supports the universalisation and implementation of the Treaty by sharing expertise with countries around the world on how to set up or improve their arms export control systems in accordance with the Treaty. The European Union calls upon all Signatory States to advance their ratification processes.

The European Union encourages other States, especially major arms exporters, importers and transit States, to become State Parties to the ATT before the next Conference of States Parties, thus strengthening the multilateral framework.

Chinese new military weapons

Chinese military researchers have demonstrated a powerful coilgun prototype small enough to be carried by soldiers. The weapon uses electromagnetic force to fire rounds.
The futuristic firearm is being developed by the Army Logistics University of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and is called the Small Synchronous Induction Coilgun
Pew, pew! China develops AK-47-sized low lethality ‘laser rifle’
Chinese Armed Police units may soon have a new weapon, a portable laser beam that can reach targets from a kilometer away and is powerful enough to set flammable things on fire.
The device is called ZKZM-500 and has been prototyped by the Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shaanxi province. It weighs about 3kg, has an effective range of 800 meters and is powered by a lithium battery pack. It fires in bursts of no more than two seconds and lasts for over 1,000 ‘shots’ before requiring recharge.

People’s Liberation Army Navy first domestically-made aircraft carrier Shandong sea trial

Shandong’s first sea exercises in the northern part of the Yellow Sea since being commissioned late last year in what was a major launch ceremony attended by President Xi. The ongoing trails in an unknown location are being focused on weapons systems testing, including aircraft launch and landing.
“The purpose of this training is to test weapons and equipment efficiency, improve the aircraft carrier’s training capability and further elevate its ability to carry out future missions,” a PLA Navy statement said. Regional media has admitted its sea trial schedule had been disrupted by the coronavirus pandemic.
State media on 5-29-20 featured at least seven  J-15 takeoff footage from the deck of the Shandong, hailing the sea trials as a ‘success’:
 “The purpose of this training is to test the performance of weapons and equipment, improve the level of aircraft carrier training, and further enhance the troops’ ability to perform missions and tasks.”
Last December’s commissioning of the new aircraft carrier, China’s second one total and first locally made, was a significant milestone for China as it expands its efforts to become a dominant superpower in the Indo-Pacific region.
Shandong has a displacement of 40,000-60,000 tons with a ski-jump flight deck similar to China’s first carrier, Liaoning, which had originally been purchased from Ukraine and refurbished. Significant improvements in layout design allow the new aircraft carrier to carry 36 J-15 fighter jets, compared to the Liaoning’s 24.

China launches second Type 075 amphibious helicopter assault ship

China launched its second Type 075 amphibious assault ship, or helicopter carrier, on Wednesday in Shanghai, seven months after the first one.

The vessel, decorated with small coloured flags, was towed by tugboats to its new berth at the state-owned Hudong-Zhonghua shipyard in the afternoon. It will now be fitted out, with equipment and weapons systems as well as crew quarters, which is expected to take some months.The launch of the helicopter carrier was celebrated as a dedicat

China launched its second Type 075 amphibious assault ship, or helicopter carrier, on Wednesday in Shanghai, seven months after the first one.
The vessel, decorated with small coloured flags, was towed by tugboats to its new berth at the state-owned Hudong-Zhonghua shipyard in the afternoon. It will now be fitted out, with equipment and weapons systems as well as crew quarters, which is expected to take some months.
The launch of the helicopter carrier was celebrated as a dedication to the 71st anniversary of the establishment of the PLA Navy, on April 26. It also came two weeks after its sister ship – the first Type 075 was launched last September and was fitted out in the same shipyard – caught fire, according to Global Times, a nationalist newspaper affiliated with People’s Daily.

ion to the 71st anniversary of the establishment of the PLA Navy, on April 26. It also came two weeks after its sister ship – the first Type 075 was launched last September and was fitted out in the same shipyard – caught fire, according to Global Times, a nationalist newspaper affiliated with People’s Daily.

China’s second Type 075 helicopter carrier was launched on Wednesday and will now spend several months being fitted out with weapons systems and crew’s quarters. Photo: Weibo