Gene-editing therapy clinical trial

1-19-21 China’s drug authority approved China’s first gene-editing therapy clinical trial . The approved gene-editing product et-01 , developed by Edigene Inc. 博雅辑因(北京)科技有限公司 , a Zhongguancun biomedical enterprise in Beijing, was for blood transfusion dependent β – thalassemia 地中海型贫血.

Crawl like “snakes and turtles”

A group of aged people are seen “crawling” in a park recently in Guangzhou, S China’s Guangdong Province. Li Peiliang, 91, said he invented the exercise method to crawl like “snakes and turtles” as he believes it would be good to one’s body.

A form of Electroacupuncture
A form of Electroacupuncture, a pair of pads are used instead of needles. a low voltage current pulses is passed between the pads along the skin surface, a tingering sensation is felt. The machine has 8 different settings and 5 intensity levels. I can adminster this procedures by myself where reachable. The cost of the machine? $4 Cdn.

Shanghai “smart health houses”

Shanghai has so far set up 195 “smart health houses” where local residents can complete physical checkups themselves and obtain health assessment reports using smart technologies.

Acupuncture/acupressure stroke prevention

《黄帝明堂灸经》保存了不少已散佚的灸法专著内容,其“正人形第四”记载:“凡人未中时,一两月前,或三五月前,非时足脛上忽发酸重頑癖,良久方解,此乃将中风之候也。便須急灸三里穴与绝骨穴,四处各三壮,后用葱、薄荷、桃柳叶 四味煎汤淋洗灸痞,令躯逐风气于痞口内出也。灸若春較秋更灸,秋較春更灸,常令两脚上有灸痞为妙。”这段文字目前可以看作是最早用“瘢痕灸”预防中风的记载,论述較为详细,有先兆症状、施灸穴位、施灸壮数以及施灸后灸掩的保护法,为后世医家采用艾灸预防中风提供了借鉴。




灸治术在日本也頗为盛行。1932年,日本人吉原昭道所著《中风预防名灸》一书专门论述了“中风预防灸”的具体内容,有相关的透应证、禁忌症以及施灸的时间和穴位,其“中风预防灸”的穴位为风池、天柱、肩井、手三里、神门、腰关、风 市、足三里

通过古文献研究,我们发现中风的预防多应用针灸方法,但针刺和艾灸相比,艾灸预防中风的文献内容更为丰富;在具体应用中,针刺多用于中风的既病防变方面,而正常机体的未病先防则多用灸法。是否因为艾灸在预防疾病的发生、病后防 复及强身健体、延年益寿方面具有更好的功效,临床及实验可进一步验证之 、















翳 (读为:yì )风








Chinese-led team makes breakthrough in animal-to-human transplant research

An international team led by Chinese researchers has used gene-editing technology to produce “Pig 3.0” prototypes, a leap forward for life-saving organ transplants from animals to humans.

In a recent paper published in Nature Biomedical Engineering, researchers from China and the United States reported the successful production of pigs whose organs are more compatible with the human immune system and are free of active porcine endogenous retrovirus (PERV).

Globally, there is a huge gap between the number of people who need organ transplants and the number of organs available, said Yang Luhan, a corresponding author of the research as well as co-founder and chief executive officer of Qihan Biotech.

It has long been hoped that the challenge could be alleviated through animal organ transplants — a concept known as xenotransplantation.

The Pig 3.0 immunological and blood-coagulation compatibility with the human immune system was enhanced and PERV was eradicated. Engineered pigs also exhibit normal physiology and fertility.

In 2017, Yang and her team produced the first batch of live pigs free of PERV, setting the stage for xenotransplantation. In 2018, Pig 2.0 was born, addressing concerns about pig-to-human immunocompatibility.

Pigs have been especially promising candidates due to their similar size and physiology to humans. But one of the biggest safety concerns has been the fact that most mammals, including pigs, contain repetitive, latent retrovirus fragments in their genomes — present in all their living cells — that are harmless to their native hosts but can lead to disease in other species.

Yang said they are now testing organ function and safety in primate preclinical studies.

James F. Markmann, chief of the Division of Transplant Surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital and a co-author of the study, said that Pig 3.0 demonstrates critical progress toward what could be a truly transformational option for millions of patients.

The paper was also authored by researchers from Harvard University, China’s Zhejiang University, Yunnan Agricultural University, Massachusetts General Hospital in the United States, and Massachusetts-based biotechnology company eGenesis.

Yang told Xinhua that the transplant gap, cancer and COVID-19 are global issues. She noted that her team hopes to maintain close contact with outstanding scientists, doctors and regulatory agencies around the world, so as to create globally recognized products.

Yang said the study is only the first step toward xenotransplantation. The functional compatibility of organs between species remains a challenge for researchers. Whether transplanted porcine organs can function as fully as original human organs in maintaining hormone secretion and metabolic balance remains to be seen.

The researchers are currently testing if the primates that have undergone pig kidney transplants are able to maintain their bodies’ hydro-salinity balances.

Xenotransplantation also faces challenges in ethics and supervision, Yang noted. “How can we balance animal ethics with organ supply? How can we supervise and guide research institutes in the development of related technologies in an active and responsible way? There are questions that need to be answered.”

She noted that regulations, ethics guidelines and public awareness usually come after technology has advanced. Researchers should think about these questions and share their logic, to truly promote the technology so that it can change society.

Hong Kong Medical Voucher

  • Vouchers 医疗券 are issued and used electronically through the eHealth System (Subsidies).
  • The HKU-SZ Hospital 香港大学深圳医院 , wholly invested by the Shenzhen Government and managed by the University of Hong Kong, is a comprehensive public hospital. 
    The HKSARG enable eligible Hong Kong elders to use health care vouchers to pay for the fees of outpatient services provided by designated clinics/departments of the HKU-SZ Hospital.
  • Hong Kong elders aged 65 or above who hold a valid Hong Kong Identity Card or Certificate of Exemption issued by the Immigration Department of the HKSARG can join the Scheme. 
  • Healthcare Service Providers who accept the vouchers: Medical Practitioner, Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Dentist, Chiropractor, Registered Nurse / Enrolled Nurse, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Radiographer, Medical Laboratory Technologist, Optometrist (Part I of the register)

$580 for a tooth filling, the money goes to the practitioners quickly.
  • Hong Kong was ranked number one by Bloomberg for its position as the country with the most efficient medical care system in the world in 2018. The commendable accessibility of quality medical care in Hong Kong also has a major role to play when considering the longevity of Hong Kongers, who have the longest average life expectancies in the world.
  • The public healthcare system – The heavily subsidized public system ensures that everyone who meets the eligibility requirements has access to essential healthcare, regardless of their financial means. It is managed by the Hospital Authority (HA), which is a statutory body providing public hospitals and related services to the citizens of Hong Kong. The HA offers essential medical treatment and rehabilitation services to patients through hospitals, day hospitals, specialist clinics, general outpatient clinics, Chinese medicine services, and community outreach services.
    The public sector consists of 43 public hospitals and institutions (around 28,000 beds), as well as 49 specialist outpatient clinics and 73 general outpatient clinics organized into 7 hospital clusters.
  • Recurrent funding of $75 billion to the HA in 2020-21, an increase of 35% from 2017-18