Agnes Ting Chow arrested

Pro-secession HK riot leader Agnes Ting Chow 周庭 arrested for violating national security law for HK, HK media reported.

The police did not handcuff Chow Ting when they took her away, but she faked as being handcuffed and ended up blowing the disguise by fiddling with her hair as shown in the video. Netizens also questioned her intention to pretend to be locked in handcuffs to attract the media’s spotlight, a tactic also “trained by the CIA” and identical to the way Joshua Wong pretended to be handcuffed in 2016.

Hong Kong police target high-profile activists Joshua Wong, Andy ...

Police say Chow Ting has been arrested on suspicion of violating Hong Kong’s National Security Law. In a post on Chow Ting’s Facebook page in the evening, his “ADMIN” said a group of police officers went to her home and her lawyer is on her way to support her.

A female lawyer arrived at the house to provide assistance.

The lawyer at the scene said the police were searching her home under a search warrant issued on August 6.

周庭以“香港众志”主要成员身份前往日本与反华政客枝野幸男 1-19



More personnel from Apple Daily to be arrested

After the arrest of Jimmy Lai Chee-ying 黎智英 , founder of Apple Daily, a citizen of the United Kingdom since 1996, for violating the national security law for Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Police Force searched the headquarters of Next Digital 壹傳媒 , parent company of Apple Daily, on Monday morning, as more executives from the notorious media group were arrested.

Lai, the Hong Kong riot supporter, has been arrested for violating the national security law for Hong Kong for collusion with foreign powers, sources close to the Hong Kong Police Force confirmed with the Global Times on Monday morning. Police detained at least seven people during the operations.

Along with this arrest, two of Lai’s sons and two senior executives from Next Digital – an executive chairman and a chairman in charge of the outlet’s operation and finances – have also been arrested. One of Lai’s aides, Mark Simon, who fleed to Taiwan, is currently wanted by police.

Mark Simon, Jimmy Lai's right hand, former CIA spy and US Navy ...

This was the first time the local media mogul, who is widely seen as a “modern traitor,” was arrested for violating the law, which was enacted on June 30 and targets four types of criminal acts in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) – acts of secession, subversion of state power, terrorist activities and collusion with foreign forces to endanger national security. 

Some legal experts believe the case will involve a group charge of violating the national security law for Hong Kong, targeting the notorious local newspaper Apple Daily, which has played a role of instigating hatred, spreading rumors and smearing Hong Kong authorities and the mainland for years. It has also played an active role in inciting anti-government riots as it is backed and funded by foreign forces to bring about a “color revolution” in the city, experts said. 

The police said the operation is still ongoing and has not ruled out further arrests.

“It’s likely that more personnel from the media outlet will be arrested,” considering what the newspaper has done, Lawrence Tang Fei, a member of the Chinese Association of Hong Kong and Macao Studies, told the Global Times on Monday. 

Lai had been arrested multiple times over the past year on suspicion of participating in an unlawful assembly and intimidating journalists, defying police bans and clashing with police amid social turmoil across the city. But Lai had been also granted bail several times, and had travel bans imposed. 

“This time, for violating the national security law, it will be difficult for him to be granted bail again,” Tian Feilong, a legal expert on Hong Kong affairs at Beihang University in Beijing, told the Global Times on Monday. 

The arrest also represents the most typical case of violation of the national security law for Hong Kong, and Lai is highly likely to face heavy penalties given that he has constantly challenged the law, Tian said. 

The law carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment, with the chief perpetrator in particular likely to face severe punishment.

Local media also said that in addition to Lai, six other individuals, including his two sons, had also been arrested for collusion with foreign powers. Lai was also suspected of fraud, the sources said. 


While Western politicians, media outlets and activists paint Lai as a “hero” for democracy who has been “suppressed,” many Chinese netizens cheered the arrest early Monday morning. 

“Finally, we see he is being arrested!” a netizen said in a Weibo post on Monday morning. “Never too late for justice,” another netizen said. 

Next Digital stock price surges following founder Lai Chee-ying’s arrest, looks like money laundering (payment from the sponsor to help with the legal proceedings)

Stock prices of Hong Kong media company Next Digital, run by Jimmy Lai Chee-ying which publishes tabloid newspaper Apple Daily, surged more than 330 percent at 2 pm Monday to HK$0.40, after Lai was arrested for violating the national security law of Hong Kong for collusion with foreign powers. There was almost no trading for Hong Kong-listed Next Digital in the morning session, but the company’s share price was driven up in the afternoon session, with transaction soaring to HK$11.8 million. Its market capitalization surpassed HK$950 million ($122 million).to “There may be some investors buying Next Digital to send the message that although Lai has been arrested by local police, the company will remain intact in business,” Liang Haiming, chairman of the China Silk Road iValley Research Institute told the Global Times Monday. According to financial results released by Next Digital, the company posted a loss of HK$415 million in 2019.

8-20-20 Lai was charged with threatening a journalist in June 2017 in Victoria Park.  The case was originally scheduled for Wednesday but delayed due to tropical storm Higos. The trial is being conducted in English and the court has allowed two key prosecution witnesses to remain anonymous. When Lai arrived at the court at around 9 am, he encountered a number of protesters holding banners and calling him a “traitor.” They called for Lai to be severely punished and accused him of harming Hong Kong and local youngsters. One day before the hearing, US President Donald Trump called Lai a “wonderful gentleman” and a “brave man” and sent his best wishes to Lai when asked at a White House press conference if he had a message for him.   Lai, 72, will face a maximum of two years in prison and a fine of HKD$2,000 if convicted. Lai was earlier released on HKD$4,000 bail but was not allowed to leave Hong Kong during the bail period. He has tried a few times to apply with the courts to cancel the restriction but was refused. 

9-10-20, 15 people were arrested for manipulating stock prices of Next Digital after founder Jimmy Lai was arrested.

Mark Simon Wanted

Image may contain: 1 person, text that says "通 獨 WANTED NTED Mark Simon 黎智英御用左右手 共和黨香港支部主席 前美國海軍情報人員 2011年foxy發放機密文件 顯示Mark Simon曾代黎智英 給香港多個反對派黨多達 6,000萬” 政治獻金 2020/8/10 警方以違反 《國安法》 拘捕黎智英等壹傳媒高層7人 而因為Mark Sin 身在境外, 則被警方通繹。 blue base"
Mark Simon has close ties with Lai. Investigation revealed that at least 17 private limited companies connected with Lai were registered with the address of Next Media House before March, three of them are jointly owned by Mark Simon and the other two are owned by Mark Simon as directors, which were allegedly in breach of the land lease conditions of the Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate.
As a former employee of the US CIA, Mark Simon is also a former advertising director of Next Media Group, and was once the chairman of the Hong Kong branch of the US Republican Party and has close ties with the US Ambassador to China.

Senior Chinese official ridicules US latest sanctions against HK

“I don’t have any assets abroad. Isn’t it a waste of effort to impose sanctions? Of course, I could send $100 to Mr Trump for him to freeze,” said Luo Huining, director of the central government’s liaison office in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), in a humorous response on Saturday to US’ sanctions imposed on 11 officials from the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong.

“Being on the US sanctions list shows that I have done what I should have done for the country and for Hong Kong,” said Luo, who is also the national security advisor to the HKSAR committee for safeguarding national security. 

The liaison office on Saturday expressed opposition and strong condemnation to the sanctions imposed by the US Department of the Treasury on 11 individuals for “undermining Hong Kong’s autonomy and restricting the freedom of expression or assembly of the citizens of Hong Kong” on Friday. 

sanctions hashtag on Twitter

Several officials in Hong Kong, including Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam, and senior officials from the Chinese mainland are on the list. It includes Xia Baolong, director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, Zhang Xiaoming, deputy director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, Luo Huining, director of the Liaison Office, and Zheng Yanxiong, director of the central government’s office for safeguarding national security in Hong Kong. 

In a statement released on Saturday, the liaison office said “we will never fear arrogance. If the US thinks that the so-called sanctions will force China to compromise and give up, then they have misunderstood the times, miscalculated and wasted their efforts.”

Since the promulgation of the national security law for Hong Kong, some US politicians interfered in China’s internal affairs. Now they have violated the basic norms of international law and resorted to imposing sanctions against Chinese officials under the ridiculous pretext of “limiting Hong Kong’s political freedom,” the statement said. 

The liaison office said the sanctions show the US actually does not care about the rights and freedom of Hong Kong people, but the freedom of Hong Kong secessionists who endanger China’s national security and the freedom of gangsters and people who have harmed the interests of Hong Kong residents. 

The unscrupulous intentions of US politicians to support the Hong Kong secessionists have been revealed, and their clowning actions are really ridiculous, the statement stressed. 

The office solemnly called on US politicians to see the general trend clearly and soberly. “No matter how rough your interfere and extreme the pressure you exert, you will not be able to stop the trend of prosperity and development of modern China, nor will it be possible to shake the ‘one country, two systems’ principle,” it said. 

Officials in Hong Kong also responded their firm opposition to the US sanctions. 

“It is my duty and honor to safeguard the security of the country and Hong Kong. Foreign sanctions against me mean nothing to me. I will continue to concentrate on my duty,” said Commissioner of Hong Kong Police Chris Tang Ping-keung in response to the US sanctions, according to Hong Kong media reports.  

“The US has many laws to safeguard national security, but is highly critical of the security law for HK, fully reflecting its double standards and hypocrisy. Safeguarding national security is a matter of course, and attempts to intimidate through ‘sanctions’ will never succeed,” said Hong Kong Secretary for Security John Lee Ka-chiu, state news broadcaster CCTV reported.

The HKSAR government’s Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Tsang Kwok-wai criticized the “sanctions” calling them a self-deception. 

“They have no effect on me,” he said, noting that the US, claiming to be a democratic country that respects human rights, but blatantly digs into personal privacy, like a hooligan. 

“We are not intimidated by them,” he said. “It only reinforces our belief that what we are doing is the right thing.”

The latest sanction introduced by the US government on Hong Kong will definitely hurt Hong Kong-US relations, said Edward Yau, HKSAR Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development in an interview on Saturday morning. 

“In the long run, it will inflict wounds on US’ interests in Hong Kong, too,” Yau said, calling the US sanction “unreasonable and barbarous.”

“My family and I are not afraid,” said Chan Kwok-ki, secretary general of the Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the HKSAR, stressing that the “sanctions” are a good opportunity for Hong Kong residents, especially those who still have illusions about the US, to see clearly the unjustifiable and insolence of the US government.

 “I am very honored to have the opportunity to serve in this position. I will do my best to serve the interests of the country and Hong Kong,” Chan said.

The HKSAR government vehemently criticized the “sanctions,” slamming it of being shameless and despicable. The measure represents blatant and barbaric interference in China’s internal affairs, using HK as a pawn in its ploy to create troubles in China-US relationship, out of self-serving interests of some US politicians, a spokesperson from the HKSAR government said.

Speaking on behalf of her senior colleagues who are being targeted, Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam said that “we are discharging an honorable duty to safeguard national security, protecting the life and interests of not only the 7.5 million Hong Kong people but also the 1.4 billion Mainlanders. We will not be intimidated.”

Observers from the Chinese mainland noted that the officials on the list should have prepared for the US’ move so it won’t have any impact on them.

The observers are also happy to note that Hong Kong officials have demonstrated a strong collective will and do not fear US’ sanctions. It shows that after experiencing the social turmoil that lasted over a year, Hong Kong officials are being more mature in their politics, they said. 

Western media’s favorite Hong Kong ‘freedom struggle writer’ is American ex-Amnesty staffer in yellowface

An American man with ties to Amnesty International and key Hong Kong separatist figures has been posing online as a Hong Kong native named Kong Tsung-gan. Routinely cited as a grassroots activist and writer by major media organizations and published in English-language media, the fictitious character Kong appears to have been concocted to disseminate anti-China propaganda behind the cover of yellowface.

Through Kong Tsung-gan’s prolific digital presence and uninterrogated reputation in mainstream Western media, he disseminates a constant stream of content hyping up the Hong Kong “freedom struggle” while clamoring for the US to turn up the heat on China.

Whispers about Kong’s true identity have been circulating on social media among Hong Kong residents, and was even mentioned in a brief account last December by The Standard.

The two idiots rushed to London were refused entry to the United Kingdom by border control

The two idiots rushed to London after hearing that “BNO holders are eligible for UK visas”. However, they were refused entry to the United Kingdom by border control when they entered the country, according to the UK Daily Mail 7. According to the UK’s Daily Mail 7, the two BNO passport holders had to apply for political asylum if they wanted to enter the UK, otherwise they would be sent back to Hong Kong.

  In July, the British government announced the opening of “special visas” for BNO passport holders. From January 2021 onwards, Hong Kong people holding BNO passports would be granted five-year visas with the right to work and study in the UK, subject to meeting other criteria. Before the special visa comes into effect, BNO passport holders are still entitled to a 6-month visa-free entry into the UK as in the past. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the two Hong Kong nationals have the right to enter the UK, even though they are unable to work and pursue long-term studies for six months. Up to now, the UK border control has not given any reasonable explanation for refusing the entry of these two people into the UK. The UK Border Agency’s recommendation of “applying for political asylum” is not a good option for these two people, as they will not be able to work in the UK and their other rights to remain in the country will be affected once they enter as “political evaders”.


The first idiot to be refused entry flew to London immediately after the British Foreign Secretary announced a “special visa for BNO holders”. The UK Daily Mail revealed his conversation with the UK border checkpoint in his own words.

  UK Border Control: If you are unable to enter the UK, we will send you back to your home country.

  The person who was refused entry: Please don’t do that, please help me, because if I go back to Hong Kong, I will be in immediate danger.

  The Hong Kong resident who was refused entry also told the border control that if he was deported, the Hong Kong government would charge him with “disloyalty” and he would even be arrested upon landing in Hong Kong.

  Compared to the first BNO passport holder who was refused entry, the description of the second rejected person is even more exaggerated and dramatic from the reports and self-reports.

  This person, who claimed to be working in the IT industry in Hong Kong, said that his grandfather was a secret agent of the Kuomintang (KMT) in Hong Kong and left his family some “secret documents against the Chinese Communist Party”, and that he came to the UK to escape danger.

  The rejected man said he had sent them to some foreign intelligence agencies, but since Hong Kong’s National Security Law came into force, he had “destroyed all his copies” out of fear, and would not show them to anyone. Therefore, the report could not confirm the existence and contents of these documents.

  Now, the latest Home Office announcement on entry requirements for BNO holders is that those who entered the UK before the “special visa route for BNO holders” was opened, but do not meet the immigration requirements, can only obtain a short term visa with severely restricted rights of abode.

  In other words, if they cannot be allowed to enter the UK normally, they will have to return to Hong Kong and try to re-enter the UK in January next year if they wish to obtain a long term visa for the two BNO passport holders who have been refused entry to the UK.

American pilot arrested in Hong Kong after being sent one live round of ammunition and 9,000 blanks and spent cartridges in the post

An American pilot was arrested at his Hong Kong flat on Wednesday night after a live round, and more than 9,000 blank and spent cartridges.

Officers were called to a warehouse in Tsing Yi at 5.40pm on Wednesday, when staff at a logistics company found the haul when they opened the boxes for inspection.

“The haul contained one live round, more than 4,000 empty cartridges, and about 5,000 spent cartridges,” a police source said.

The boxes were brought back to the warehouse after being sent to the Kennedy Town home of the 44-year-old pilot.

A mistake? No kidding.

US consulate in HK ‘spy center’

The US consulate in Hong Kong and Macao tops social media polls on the “US consulate in China most likely to be closed,” after the US asked the Chinese consulate in Houston to close, which observers said reflects the Chinese public’s anger over US meddling in Hong Kong affairs and a warning to American “intelligence hegemony.”

Although the chance of closing the consulate in Hong Kong as a countermeasure may be remote, analysts noted that it would be perfect timing for China to clean up “redundant employees” in the US consulate doing intelligence work. 

Observers estimated the US consulate has more than 1,100 employees. In 2019 during the peak of Hong Kong riots, the number of employees was estimated to top 1,600, while employees of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region were fewer than 200.

押後立選及DQ十二參選人 美駐港總領事突密晤梁家傑

Hanscom Smith ,到訪公民黨主席梁家傑位於中環太子大廈的律師樓,而該黨立法會議員楊岳橋亦有出席會面。在此敏感時刻,實在惹人遐想。

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