Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam announced on Friday that due to the current severe COVID-19 situation in the city, the Legislative Council (LegCo) election scheduled for September has been postponed to September 5 next year. Experts and local lawmakers said the decision prioritizes public health and aims to ensure fairness in the election.
Lam announced the decision at a press conference on Friday, saying that it was not made for political reasons, but for public health.
The possibility that more candidates would be disqualified is not ruled out. The latest decision aims to ensure that the LegCo election is held in strict accordance with the Basic Law and other applicable laws in an open, honest and fair manner.
The 12 disqualified opposition camp candidates include 4 from the Civic Party: Kwok Wing-hang 郭榮鏗 , Alvin Yeung 楊岳橋 , Kwok Ka-ki 郭家麒 and Tat Cheng 鄭達鴻 . The list also includes notorious separatist Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 .
The 12 candidates do not satisfy the requirements of the LegCo election, and therefore have been disqualified. The decision has nothing to do with so-called political censorship, restriction of the freedom of speech or deprivation of candidacy as alleged by some people. Haha, want to play? You are not invited to the party, suckers.
Four people who claimed to be students have been arrested for breaching the national security law for Hong Kong and suspected of secession by advocating for “Hong Kong independence,” the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) announced on Wednesday night.
Hong Kong media reported that this is the first action taken by the new national security department under the police force since it was officially established in early July.
The four, three men and one woman aged between 16 and 21, were arrested at around 3:30 pm on Wednesday, Senior Superintendent Li Kwai-wah of the national security department under the HKPF announced at a press conference at 11 pm.
It involved a group setting up an organization on a social platform advocating for “Hong Kong independence.” The platform of the organization claimed to establish a “Hong Kong Republic.” There was also a manifesto inciting others to join the group, Li said.
If the crime is deemed as serious, they could be sentenced to 10 years in prison, and police can take DNA samples from the arrested individuals, Li said.
Li said he believed that the organization had been set up recently and that the message left on the social platform was only discovered after July 1 this year, and that inciting, aiding and abetting such an incident constituted sedition.
The police force did not disclose the names of the arrested people and the organization, but Studentlocalism, a secessionist group, announced on its Facebook page on Wednesday night that Tony Chung Hon-lam, one of the former conveners of the organization, was “arrested for inciting secession,” local media reported.
On Sunday, the organization published an article on its Facebook page titled “Counterbalancing Chinese nationalism and constructing Hong Kong nationalism,” with the hashtags including “independence is the only way for Hong Kong” and “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Time.”
The government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) said on July 2 that the slogan, “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Time,” has the implications of secessionism, alienating HKSAR from China, changing HKSAR’s legal status or subverting the State power under the current circumstances.
Studentslocalism also announced it shut down its headquarters in Hong Kong on June 30, the same day the national security law for Hong Kong took effect, and said all the group’s affairs would be handled by overseas members instead.
They set up a division in the US on June 30, according to the group’s Twitter.
A Global Times reporter found that the group continued advocating “Hong Kong independence” on an overseas social media platform after June 30. In a post on Twitter on July 2 they said “disintegrate China.”
According to Li Xiaobing, an expert on Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan studies at Nankai University in Tianjin, whether the suspects are to be convicted under the national security law for Hong Kong depends on whether some of their speeches or activities after June 30 damage the interests protected under the national security law.
According to Article 20 of the national security law for Hong Kong, a person who organizes, plans, commits or participates in any of the acts that separates the HKSAR from China, whether or not by force or threat of force, with a view to committing secession or undermining national unification shall be guilty of an offence, the principal offender shall be sentenced to life imprisonment or fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years.
A person who actively participates in the offence shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years; and other participants shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, short-term detention or restriction. If crime is deemed as serious, police can take DNA samples from the arrested individuals
香港学会今日召开记者会,对于有传大陆医护来港协助对抗疫情,香港医学会会长蔡坚称,香港经训练的医生均全部曾在医管局工作,无论病历、药物等均是以英文与其他医生沟通,相反大陆医护则是说普通话及写简体字,担心一旦来港后会造成“混乱”,他甚至表示,如果大陆医护只是去方舱医院做事不是不可以,他不会表示强烈反对(如果剩系方舱医院做嘢系未尚不可,但系我唔会话‘Over my dead body’呢啲咁激烈嘅语句)。
值得注意的是, Gabriel Choi 蔡坚的理由与“港独”团体“医管局员工阵线”此前反对内地医护来港理由极其相似。“医管局员工阵线”22日曾表示,内地病患的临床纪录、报告都是以简体字撰写。一般香港培训的医护人员都是以英文为学习语言,粤语与英文为工作时的沟通语言。他们认为,“两地文化及语言不同,当中造成的沟通障碍,实在令香港医疗人员浪费时间与所谓有经验团队沟通,更会拖延患者的治疗时间”。
內地核酸檢測支援隊7人先遣隊 內地周五(7日31日)宣布派檢測人員到香港協助開展大規模核酸檢測篩查。國家衞健委官網周六(8日1日)公布,首支「內地核酸檢測支援隊」將由廣東省衞生健康委從省內20多家公立醫院,選派約60名臨床檢驗技術人員,其中7名先遣隊隊員將於下周日(8月2日)赴香港。消息又指,內地核酸檢測支援隊隊長來自廣東省衞生健康委,曾擔任廣東省支援武漢醫療隊總指揮。這是首批中央政府派出支持香港抗疫的內地專業隊伍。國家衞生健康委後續將根據香港特區抗擊疫情需要,隨時調集內地醫療資源給予更多支持。同時,國家衞生健康委也已組建「內地方艙醫院支援隊」,由湖北省武漢市選派6名有方艙醫院實戰經驗的專家,包括醫院院長、護理、建築和設計專家,為香港亞洲國際博覽館改建為方艙醫院提供設計、運營和管理經驗的技術支持。
Where the hell are the rioters?
Friday, July 10, 2020 United Airlines and American Airlines have suspended flights to HK due to the city’s COVID19 testing rules, as the city aims to prevent another outbreak. HK requires that all travelers and crew must be tested for COVID-19, and complete a 14-day quarantine if tested positive.