To buy a camera at Tuen Mon 10-9-20

Picked up my new replacement camera Nikon B-600 thru FB for $1200 and visited the Tuen Mon Park.
屯门公园(英语:Tuen Mun Park)是香港的大型公园,位于新界屯门区,占地约12.5公顷,是区内最大型及最主要公园,由康乐及文化事务署管理。

Black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) 夜鹭国家三有保护动物,是中型涉禽,体长46-60厘米。体较粗胖,颈较短;嘴尖细,微向下曲,黑色;胫裸出部分较少,脚和趾黄色;头顶至背黑绿色而具金属光泽;上体余部灰色;下体白色;枕部披有2-3枚长带状白色饰羽,下垂至背上,极为醒目。
Pond heron (Ardeola bacchus) 池鹭 系典型涉禽类,体长约47厘米,翼白色、身体具褐色纵纹的。繁殖羽:头及颈深栗色,胸紫酱色。冬季:站立时具褐色纵纹,飞行时体白而背部深褐。虹膜褐色;嘴黄色(冬季);腿及脚绿灰色。通常无声,争吵时发出低沉的呱呱叫声。栖息于稻田、池塘、沼泽、喜单只或3-5只结小群在水田或沼泽地中觅食,性不甚畏人。食性以鱼类、蛙、昆虫为主,幼雏与成鸟的食物成分相类似。繁殖期营巢于树上或竹林间,巢呈浅圆盘状,由树枝、杉木枯枝、竹枝、茶树枝及菝葜藤等组成,巢内无其他铺垫物。
Banyun tree
black pond turtle (Geoclemys hamiltonii) 黑池龟 / 斑点池龟
Chinese Water Dragon(Physignathus cocincinus)長鬣蜥 中國水龍
Chinese Water Dragon(Physignathus cocincinus)長鬣蜥 中國水龍
Giant blue-tongued skink (Tiliqua gigas) 大藍舌石龍子
Green Tree Python(Morelia viridis) 綠樹蟒
Ornate Spiny-tailed Lizard (Uromastx ornata) 华麗刺尾蜥
The northern snake-necked turtle (Chelodina (Chelydera)北部蛇頸龜
hog-nose turtle 或者 pig-nose turtle (Carettochelys insculpta) 猪鼻龟
洪水桥行人 隧道

Electorate registration 10-8-20 Yuen Long

Home Affairs Department, Yuen Long District Office, Yuen Long District Office Building, 269 Castle Peak Road, Yuen Long, New Territories
Hong Kong Post delivery bicycles


Not bad tarts, not too sweet
Economical lunches

Canada begins accepting Hong Kong pro-democracy activists as refugees

Canada has begun accepting Hong Kong pro-democracy activists as refugees, a sign that this country is opening its doors to those fleeing Beijing’s crackdown on civil rights in the former British colony.

In a Sept. 1 letter, the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada notified a married couple from Hong Kong, both in their early 30s, that the refugee protection division has determined they are “Convention refugees” and their claims for asylum have been accepted.

The Hong Kong man, 33, who has been accepted as a refugee, said he was a very active protester in the pro-democracy movement in the Asian city, including with a well-known political party that put pressure on the local government to implement universal suffrage. He and his wife, 30, also took to street protests in 2019 amid mass demonstrations that followed efforts by Hong Kong’s leadership to enact legislation that would allow extradition to mainland China.

The man said he was on the front lines of demonstrations in 2019 and ran a warehouse to produce defensive equipment for protesters. He said he was at one point detained by Chinese authorities – they were not wearing uniforms – and Hong Kong police followed him and searched his home, but he was never charged.

Half day trip Mongkok to get my camera fixed 10-7-20
九龙旺角朗豪坊 Langham Place Shopping Mall 10-7-20
朗豪坊(Langham Place)是香港一组摩天大楼建筑群,位于九龙旺角亚皆老街8号,于2004年10月落成并于2005年开幕,是该区著名地标。 朗豪坊属于三合一大型发展项目,分别由商场(朗豪坊)、写字楼(朗豪坊办公大楼)、酒店(香港康得思酒店)组成。朗豪坊三个项目有互惠互补的特点,大型商场设有大量商店、食肆及娱乐设施,而高级写字楼和五星级酒店则分别为商场带来高消费力的上班族及旅客,形成一个稳定的消费链。
Nikon Service Center, Suite 3802, Office Tower, Langham Place, 8 Argyle Street, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong 2907 1122,
旺角亞皆老街 Argyle Street
自由撈餐 $32 +$2 for the lemon tea
旺角放工时候 10-7-20
荃湾(Tsuen Wan)位于香港新界西南荃湾区 . 荃湾是九龙往来新界西北的必经之路,荃湾巴士总站每天都有大量乘巴士往来屯门及元朗的乘客.
“誰在破壞社會安寧? 誰在投訴丁屋?誰在投訴竂屋? 誰在投訴政府地?誰在投訴僭建? 請大家認清楚及一定要反省. 元朗六鄉示 ”

Bike/hike trip Fu Tei/ Lam Tei 10-6-20
Lam Tei Irrigation Reservoir, Tuen Mun
Lam Tei Irrigation Reservoir, Tuen Mun
Oriental garden lizardeastern garden lizardbloodsucker or changeable lizard (Calotes versicolor) 变色树蜥
Trailhead, Lam Tei Irrigation Reservoir, Tuen Mun
Lam Tei Irrigation Reservoir, Tuen Mun
Hiking trail, Lam Tei Irrigation Reservoir, Tuen Mun
Commemoration , Lam Tei Irrigation Reservoir, Tuen Mun
Agamids 飞龙科蜥蜴 are represented by the oriental garden lizardeastern garden lizardbloodsucker or changeable lizard (Calotes versicolor) 变色树蜥 , which is the only native agamid to Hong Kong. It is a lovely medium-sized lizard, often seen on low shrubs and bushes, where they cock an eye at anyone who approaches, before running nimbly away. The ubiquitous Changeable Lizard has a crest of enlarged scales down the dorsal (top) surface of the neck and fore part of the body. Males can have bright red throats and can be dark brown in colour.
南安佛堂 供奉觀音娘娘的仙佛行轅
虎地燒烤區 , 虎地郊游俓

Field Trip Yuen Long 10-3-20
Crimson marsh glider ( Trithemis aurora ) 紫紅蜻蜓 The male of the species is distinctly different from the female. The male has a reddish-brown face, with eyes that are crimson above and brown on the sides. The thorax is red with a fine, purple pruinescence. The abdomen, the base of which is swollen, is crimson with a violet tinge. The wings are transparent with crimson venation and the base has a broad amber patch. The wing spots are a dark reddish-brown and the legs are black.
The female has an olivaceous or bright reddish-brown face with eyes that are purplish-brown above and grey below. The thorax is olivaceous with brown median and black lateral stripes. The abdomen is reddish-brown with median and lateral black markings. The black markings are confluent at the end of each segment and enclose a reddish-brown spot. The wings are transparent with brown tips. The venation is bright yellow to brown and basal amber markings are pale. The wing spots are a dark brown and the lags are dark grey with narrow yellow stripes.
Crimson marsh glider ( Trithemis aurora ) 紫紅蜻蜓
Great eggfly (Hypolimnas bolina) 幻紫斑蛺蝶
Dark-branded Bushbrown (Mycalesis mineus ) 小眉眼蝶 眼蝶科眉眼蝶属的一种蝴蝶。该蝶有春、夏型之分。
The common sailor ( Neptis hylas ) 中环蛱蝶 , is a species of nymphalid butterfly found in the Indian subcontinent and southeast Asia. It has a characteristic stiff gliding flight achieved by short and shallow wingbeats just above the horizontal.

Field Trip Yuen Long 10-3-20
Great eggfly (Hypolimnas bolina) 幻紫斑蛺蝶
Crimson marsh glider (Trithemis aurora) 紫紅蜻蜓 The male of the species is distinctly different from the female. The male has a reddish-brown face, with eyes that are crimson above and brown on the sides. The thorax is red with a fine, purple pruinescence. The abdomen, the base of which is swollen, is crimson with a violet tinge. The wings are transparent with crimson venation and the base has a broad amber patch. The wing spots are a dark reddish-brown and the legs are black.
The female has an olivaceous or bright reddish-brown face with eyes that are purplish-brown above and grey below. The thorax is olivaceous with brown median and black lateral stripes. The abdomen is reddish-brown with median and lateral black markings. The black markings are confluent at the end of each segment and enclose a reddish-brown spot. The wings are transparent with brown tips. The venation is bright yellow to brown and basal amber markings are pale. The wing spots are a dark brown and the lags are dark grey with narrow yellow stripes.
Crimson marsh glider (Trithemis aurora) 紫紅蜻蜓
Great eggfly (Hypolimnas bolina) 幻紫斑蛺蝶

The year I left Hong Kong and Monkok
1969-1970s年香港那些年回憶 #旺角彌敦道山東街口 瓊華酒樓 龍鳳大茶樓,影片 照片集。
1969年中秋節熱鬧巿面 ,剛美國登月成功,酒樓月餅畫已美國登月和嫦娥作為題材。
旺角彌敦道酒樓張燈結綵,登陸月球月餅畫 彌敦道山東街〔龍鳯大茶樓〕,〔瓊華酒樓〕內月餅門市部,已消逝時光……