Alibaba, Jack Ma summoned by Indian court on former employee’s complaint
An Indian court has summoned Alibaba and its founder Jack Ma in a case in which a former employee in India says he was wrongfully fired after objecting to what he saw as censorship and fake news on company apps, documents seen by Reuters showed.

In court filings dated July 20 and previously not reported, the former employee of Alibaba’s UC Web, Pushpandra Singh Parmar, alleges the company used to censor content seen as unfavourable to China and its apps UC Browser and UC News showcased false news “to cause social and political turmoil”.

Civil Judge Sonia Sheokand of a district court in Gurugram, a satellite city of India’s capital, New Delhi, has issued summons for Alibaba, Jack Ma and about a dozen individuals or company units, asking them to appear in court or through a lawyer on July 29, court documents showed.

Foreign Minister Wang Yi spoke on the phone with his Indian counterpart, Foreign Minister Jaishankar

6-17-20, Foreign Minister Wang Yi spoke on the phone with his Indian counterpart, Foreign Minister Jaishankar.
Wang Yi said that on the evening of June 15, the Indian frontline border guard forces brazenly broke the consensus reached at the two sides’ military chiefs’ meeting in the Galwan Valley. When the situation on the ground had already eased, they once again deliberately provoked and even violently attacked officers and soldiers of the Chinese side who were on their way to negotiate across the Line of Actual Control. This led to violent physical confrontations, resulting in injuries and deaths. This adventurous act by the Indian army is a serious violation of the agreements reached between the two countries on the border issue and a grave breach of the basic norms of international relations. Again, a strong protest to the Indian side. We demand that the Indian side conduct a thorough investigation into the matter, punish those responsible, strictly control the frontline troops and immediately cease all provocative actions. to ensure that such incidents do not recur. The Indian side must not misjudge the current situation and must not underestimate China’s firm will to safeguard its territorial sovereignty.

Loss of soldiers in Galwan deeply disturbing and painful

‘China did not enter our territory, no posts taken’: Modi at all-party meet on Ladakh clash
6-19-20 Exactly as the Chinese claim. 


Soldiers’ deaths ‘won’t be in vain,’ Modi says 6-17-20 But they were.

Ladakh Cong councillor booked over ‘seditious phone conversation’6-20-20 This guy is so eager to get a war started.

‘No restrictions on using firearms’: India gives soldiers freedom 6-21-20
Oh you look so tough.

India, China Border Clash

The key area is around a spectacular 135 kilometer-long, 5-7 kilometer-wide lake, Pangong Tso. It’s in Ladakh, which is a de facto extension of the Tibetan plateau. One third is held by India and two thirds by China.  

Mountain folds around the lake are called “fingers.” The Indians say Chinese troops are close to Finger Two – and blocking their movements. India claims territorial rights up to Finger 8, but its de facto holding extends only to Finger 4.

New Delhi has been steadily expanding infrastructure development – and also troop deployments – in Ladakh for nearly a decade. Units now spend longer periods deployed along the LAC than the six months that used to be the standard rotation.

These are called loop battalions: They do a back and forth with the Siachen glacier – which was the theatre of a localized India-Pakistan mini-war in 1999 .

The Indians maintain there are no fewer than 23 “disputed and sensitive” areas along the LAC, with at least 300 “transgressions” by PLA troops every year.

Crossing the line

The Indians are now particularly focused on the situation in the Galwan valley in Ladakh, which they maintain was breached to a distance of 3 to 4 km by PLA troops now in the process of digging defenses. 

The current flare-up started building in late April, and led to a series of scuffles in early May, described as “aggressive behavior on both sides,” complete with fistfights and stone throwing. The Indian version is that Chinese troops crossed the Line of Actual Control (LAC), with vehicles and equipment, to block road construction by India.

Indian Jawans Briefly Detained By China In Ladakh Last Week 5-24-20 Indian Army denies reports that Chinese troops briefly detained jawans in Ladakh last week 5-24-20 “It only hurts national interests when media outlets publish unsubstantiated news”