US, Australia seek new military cooperation as tensions soar with China

The two countries are set to build ties across a slew of defense areas including hypersonic, electronic and space-based warfare. 

In a joint statement, the ministers said they discussed expanding operations in the northern Australian city of Darwin, where US Marines have been rotating in since 2012 under an initiative of former president Barack Obama.

The United States will establish a military fuel reserve in Darwin and the allies will consider exercises there with like-minded countries — a likely reference to Japan and India.

In one step that had been too far, Australia last year said it would not serve as a base for US intermediate-range missiles — widely seen as a way to target China.

Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne said Australia did not agree on everything with Beijing — or with the United States.

“The relationship that we have with China is important. And we have no intention of injuring it,” she said. “But nor do we intend to do things that are contrary to our interests.”

She said Australia and the United States had a shared interest in an Asia-Pacific region that was free, prosperous and secure and were broadly aligned on issues, including China.

“We don’t agree on everything though. And that’s part of a respectful relationship, is part of a relationship that has endured over 100 years of ‘mateship.’”

“We deal with China in the same way. We have a strong economic engagement, other engagement, and it works in the interests of both countries,” Payne said.

There’s no Cold War with China — and if there were, we couldn’t win

Daniel Ray Coats is an American politician and former diplomat. From 2017 to 2019, he served as the Director of National Intelligence in the Trump administration. A member of the Republican Party, he served as a United States Senator from Indiana from 1989 to 1999 and again from 2011 to 2017.

He argues that the U.S. government’s China policy often serves only its own short-term political interests, while China pursues its foreign policy goals based on a “calculated long-term strategy”. Coates includes many of his own observations in his analysis. He claims that China’s long-term strategy includes an “ambitious foreign policy” that seeks to shift the center of the world economy to Eurasia through the “One Belt, One Road”. China’s strategy also includes besieging the West in science and technology, and achieving overall dominance in areas such as data collection and operating systems.

  Coates said that these science and technology covers the artificial intelligence, robotics, aerospace and quantum computing, and China has always wanted to apply these technologies to the military level. China realizes earlier and more clearly than any other country that science and technology will be the decisive factor in this historic battle,” he said.

  Coates also discusses how the United States should deal with China, but it seems a bit impotent.

  He says things like closing the Consulate General, sanctioning a few officials, adjusting tariffs or sanctioning individual companies will only provoke countermeasures that won’t help in dealing with complex issues.

  ”In the face of these challenges from China, it is up to the United States to lead other countries and together respond with a united and long-term vision. Above all, U.S. and allied policy must expand the diplomatic and political space for creative and productive approaches to the problem.” In short, Coates’ point was to “bring on allies.”

  In addition, Coates also declared that the United States should reconstruct the framework of multilateralism to “restrain” China. Not like the Trump administration today, like to pursue unilateralist policies, in the international community, constantly “withdrawal”, triggering the resentment of countries.

  He suggested that the United States should rebuild “cohesive” alliances and multilateral institutions, which must respond coherently and forcefully to China’s long-term strategic vision.

  ”We all know that only the United States can create these ‘tools’ in the past, when our allies and other ‘like-minded’ countries are beginning to realize that China is a common threat in the future, they will increasingly accept ‘enlightened leadership’ from the United States.

FM says packages of unsolicited seeds found in US states have fake China waybills

China Post Group Co waybills on packages of unsolicited seeds found in a large number of US states in recent days are a result of forgery, and China is asking the US to reroute these packages so that a probe can take place, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on Tuesday.


The comments were made after media reports that packages “from China” containing seeds arrived in the mailboxes of US residents in a number of states.

The US agricultural authority has asked people not to plant these seeds over biosafety concerns. 

Commenting on the matter, Wang said seeds are contraband articles under the clauses of the Universal Postal Union (UPU). China Post, the designated operator of UPU in China, strictly abides by such rules by declining postal delivery orders containing seeds.

China Post has confirmed that the layout and content of the waybills for these postal packages contain many mistakes and are therefore fake.

China Post has been communicating with its US counterparts to ask for these packages to be rerouted to China so that a probe can begin, Wang said. 

Who’s the brain behind Mike Pompeo’s anti-China stance?

One influential source is his principal policy and planning adviser on China, Miles Maochun Yu. A China-born professor of military history at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, he harbours some pretty dark visions about the world and Asia-Pacific in particular.Yu is clearly an uber-hawk, judging from his books, articles and speeches. On China and Asia, there seems to be two strategic conclusions on Yu’s reading of the state of affairs in the region: mixed messages and diplomatic subtleties are dangerous when it comes to dealing with “communist” countries. And in the South China Sea between the US and China, military conflict is all but inevitable.

Dr Miles Yu, Nemours Endocrinology, Orlando - YouTube

余茂春(Maochun Miles Yu,1962年8月8日-),美国海军学院东亚和军事史教授,美国国务院国务卿办公室中国政策规划首席顾问。


Routledge Handbook of Chinese Security (Routledge Pub, UK, June 2015), with Lowell Dittmer
New Interpretations in Naval History: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth Naval History Symposium (The Naval Institute Press, April 2009),
The Dragon’s War: Allied Operations and the Fate of China, 1937-1947 (The Naval Institute Press, August 2006)
美国间谍在中国— 美国档案馆绝密档案 (香港,纽约:明镜出版社,1999 年7 月)
OSS IN CHINA: Prelude to Cold War (New Haven and London: the Yale University Press, March 1997)

Makes a double agent who will see the complete destruction of US.

The U.S. Is Out of Chengdu In New Low for U.S.-China Ties

A statement from the U.S. State Department confirmed the suspension of activities. “We are disappointed by the Chinese Communist Party’s decision and will strive to continue our outreach to the people in this important region through our other posts in China,” the statement read. What a fucken idiot.

It marks another low point in U.S.-China relations after the U.S. government ordered the closure of the Chinese consulate in Houston on Friday. The tit-for-tat leaves the two countries with an equal, but diminished, diplomatic presence: At present, both countries still maintain four consulates and an embassy on each other’s soil.

China plans to buy gold mine in Arctic; Trudeau government to decide deal

A Chinese stat-run company is planning to buy a gold mine in the Canadian Arctic. The plans of a state-run company acquiring the area has sparked concerns for the Canadian government.

Shandong Gold Mining Co.’s plans on buying the gold mines from a Canadian company as experts believe it shows how China is expanding its presence in strategically important region.

The Canadian opposition party has raised concerns and has urged the Trudeau government to take steps as it holds a cabinet meeting over this deal.

The opposition has urged the Prime Minister to block the deal and discourage China from acquiring any more assets in the Arcitc after the US warned that China could be aiming to assert its importance in sensitive and important regions such as Arctic, similar to the South China Sea dispute.

Washington confirms suspension of Fulbright programme for Hong Kong, mainland

The United States has confirmed the suspension of its Fulbright programme in mainland China and Hong Kong, after President Donald Trump pulled the plug on the fellowship earlier this month in response to Beijing’s introduction of a national security law in the former British colony.
In an email sent to US scholars preparing to take part in the programme, the US state department said the 2020-21 exchange “will not operate”, though participants would be allowed to apply to take part in different countries.
The Fulbright programme was established by the US in 1946 and allows American and foreign academics to teach, research and study in each other’s countries. The first agreement was signed with China, but it now covers more than 160 countries.

There goes the US spies and secret agents.

Australian Government declares Beijing’s South China Sea claims illegal in letter to United Nations


In a letter to the United Nations, Australia’s permanent mission rejected the Chinese Communist Party’s claim to disputed islands in the crucial trading waters, calling them “inconsistent” with international law.

“The Australian Government rejects any claims by China that are inconsistent with the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), in particular, maritime claims that do not adhere to its rules on baselines, maritime zones and classification of features,” the document states.

“There is no legal basis for China to draw straight baselines connecting the outermost points of maritime features or ‘island groups’ in the South China Sea, including around the ‘Four Sha’ or ‘continental’ or ‘outlying’ archipelagos.

Acting Secretary Wolf Establishes China Working Group to Address Intensifying Threat

“The Chinese threat is intensifying at an alarming rate through CCP’s malign activity in the trade, cybersecurity, immigration, and intellectual property domains,” said Acting Secretary Wolf. “Consistent with President Trump’s leadership and direction, DHS is at the forefront of combating these threats to the Homeland and our way of life. The Department’s role in curbing China’s malign activity has never been more important nor timely. DHS’s newly-established China Working Group will prioritize, coordinate, and articulate decisive near- and long-term actions commensurate with the threat we face.”

Chad Wolf - Wikipedia