China plans to buy gold mine in Arctic; Trudeau government to decide deal

A Chinese stat-run company is planning to buy a gold mine in the Canadian Arctic. The plans of a state-run company acquiring the area has sparked concerns for the Canadian government.

Shandong Gold Mining Co.’s plans on buying the gold mines from a Canadian company as experts believe it shows how China is expanding its presence in strategically important region.

The Canadian opposition party has raised concerns and has urged the Trudeau government to take steps as it holds a cabinet meeting over this deal.

The opposition has urged the Prime Minister to block the deal and discourage China from acquiring any more assets in the Arcitc after the US warned that China could be aiming to assert its importance in sensitive and important regions such as Arctic, similar to the South China Sea dispute.

Washington confirms suspension of Fulbright programme for Hong Kong, mainland

The United States has confirmed the suspension of its Fulbright programme in mainland China and Hong Kong, after President Donald Trump pulled the plug on the fellowship earlier this month in response to Beijing’s introduction of a national security law in the former British colony.
In an email sent to US scholars preparing to take part in the programme, the US state department said the 2020-21 exchange “will not operate”, though participants would be allowed to apply to take part in different countries.
The Fulbright programme was established by the US in 1946 and allows American and foreign academics to teach, research and study in each other’s countries. The first agreement was signed with China, but it now covers more than 160 countries.

There goes the US spies and secret agents.

Australian Government declares Beijing’s South China Sea claims illegal in letter to United Nations


In a letter to the United Nations, Australia’s permanent mission rejected the Chinese Communist Party’s claim to disputed islands in the crucial trading waters, calling them “inconsistent” with international law.

“The Australian Government rejects any claims by China that are inconsistent with the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), in particular, maritime claims that do not adhere to its rules on baselines, maritime zones and classification of features,” the document states.

“There is no legal basis for China to draw straight baselines connecting the outermost points of maritime features or ‘island groups’ in the South China Sea, including around the ‘Four Sha’ or ‘continental’ or ‘outlying’ archipelagos.

Acting Secretary Wolf Establishes China Working Group to Address Intensifying Threat

“The Chinese threat is intensifying at an alarming rate through CCP’s malign activity in the trade, cybersecurity, immigration, and intellectual property domains,” said Acting Secretary Wolf. “Consistent with President Trump’s leadership and direction, DHS is at the forefront of combating these threats to the Homeland and our way of life. The Department’s role in curbing China’s malign activity has never been more important nor timely. DHS’s newly-established China Working Group will prioritize, coordinate, and articulate decisive near- and long-term actions commensurate with the threat we face.”

Chad Wolf - Wikipedia

OK Boomer, We’re Gonna Socialize You

Everything about SARS-CoV-2 seems unfair. It afflicts the poor worse than the rich, and Blacks more than Whites. It also disrupts — and potentially derails — the lives of people in some generations more than others. There’s social and political dynamite in this inequity. One likely effect is to make several developed countries swerve left politically, toward some bowdlerized form of “socialism.”

The generational effects of Covid-19 may seem counterintuitive. Medically, the virus is most life-threatening to the so-called “silent generation” of people in their late 70s, 80s or 90s. But economically, the coronavirus has left these lives relatively unscathed. Their careers have been had, their retirement savings — if they had any — had already been turned into annuities. The Silents as a group are not the pandemic’s biggest economic losers.

Nor is the generation just behind them, the infamous Baby Boomers now in their late 50s, 60s or early 70s. They’ve raised their children and don’t have the stress of home-schooling them during lockdowns. Most are still earning and saving or are just entering retirement with relatively generous pensions. Best of all, they’ve been politically in control for so long, they’ve molded entire welfare and tax systems to their advantage.

My own cohort, the Generation X of people in their 40s and early 50s, will also be fine overall. Yes, we’re currently traversing the nadir of the so-called U-curve of lifetime well-being, as we feel the midlife stress of caring simultaneously for elderly parents and vulnerable children — the same ones who nowadays share our home offices to Zoom with their teachers. But that aside, we Xers had a fair shot at building our careers in the booming 90s and — following the blip of the dotcom bust — the aughts. We’re less worried about ourselves than about the long-term effects of school closures on our children, called Generation Z.

So it’s really the folks in their 20s and 30s, the generation between X and Z, we should spare a thought for. Logically, they should be called Generation Y, but because they came of age near a round-number year they’re the Millennials. And boy, do they keep getting shafted.

It started with the financial crash of 2008, which hit just as the Millennials were hoping to enter the job market and start their careers. Suddenly, all the good jobs were gone, and they were more likely to be and stay unemployed than the older generations.

Studies show that even a decade after the crash, all but the most educated Millennials were earning and saving less than Xers or Boomers did at the same age. Lower entry-level salaries can have consequences (“wage scars”) that last an entire life time. This precarious outlook is probably one reason why Millennials had already been delaying marriage and children longer than preceding generations did, and are more likely to still be living with (gasp) their parents.

And then this coronavirus showed up, causing a downturn that’s making the “Great Recession” of 2008 seem almost mild. After that previous labor-market trauma, a lot of Millennials took whatever gigs they could find — as bartenders, baristas, waiters or contract workers. But these are exactly the types of jobs that fell away during the lockdowns and may not come back soon.

So Millennials have a right to be frustrated. But what makes many of them irate is watching the older generations milk the system at their expense, through what some economists call “Boomer socialism.”

Consider the generous but unsustainable public pensions going to Boomers in most developed countries, which are paid for largely by Millennials and Xers. In the U.S., there’s also health care that’s universal and public for the old (called Medicare) but often unavailable or unaffordable for the young. In many countries, the Boomers have also bid up house prices beyond the reach of Millennials, in part with tax breaks for mortgage interest that disproportionately benefit older taxpayers. Oh, and there’s the mountain of student-loan debt bearing down on many American Millennials.

This distress, coupled with the hypocrisy of Boomers who claim to oppose big government while enjoying it in so many ways, explains why Millennials have been trending left and even embracing the loaded word “socialism.” It’s these fed-up young voters who boosted the campaigns of lefty Boomer populists like Bernie Sanders in the U.S. and Jeremy Corbyn in the U.K.

Whether Millennials actually use the word “socialism” properly — as government ownership of the means of production — is moot. More likely, they simply want better public policy that addresses their specific problems. Even then, however, they often fall prey to political snake oil such as rent controls or wealth taxes.

The better path for policymakers across the West is to offer more pragmatic, but still sufficiently bold, alternatives. And as I’ve argued, this means reviving classical liberalism — not in the American sense of “left” but in the European sense of “freedom.”

Health care, for example, can be provided publicly, privately or in a mixed system like Germany’s; but it should always be universal. Pension reform is a no-brainer. So is tax simplification that cuts loopholes for Boomers, thus broadening the base without necessarily raising rates. And yes, we should keep studying the idea, still never properly tried, of a Universal Basic Income — not to expand, but to replace the welfare state.

It would be tragic if we survived the pandemic only to find ourselves living in true socialism, which in practice has always robbed societies of prosperity and individuals of freedom. To avoid that fate, all generations should offer Millennials a fairer — a liberal — deal.

China’s Foreign Ministry Orders US to Close Consulate in Chengdu

Closing US Chengdu consulate is a legitimate and necessary response to the US sudden closure of Chinese consulate in Houston. The Chinese move is in compliance with intl law and basic norms of intl relations, as well as diplomatic practices: Chinese FM

China has ordered the US to shut its consulate in Chengdu, Southwest China’s Sichuan Province, in retaliation for the US asking to close China’s Consulate General in Houston, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Friday, which analysts have called “an equivalent and reciprocal countermeasure.”

The order by the Chinese side came after the US abruptly asked China on Tuesday to close its Consulate General in Houston within 72 hours, which is a unilateral political provocation by the US side against China and a grave violation of international law and the basic norms governing international relations, which seriously harms bilateral ties. China would take countermeasures that will cause the US “real pain,” according to observers.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Friday morning informed the US Embassy in China of its decision to withdraw its consent for the establishment and operation of the US Consulate General in Chengdu. The Ministry also made specific requirements on the ceasing of all operations and events by the Consulate General, the Foreign Ministry announced..

On Tuesday, the US unilaterally provoked the incident and suddenly demanded that China close its Consulate General in Houston, which severely violated international law and the basic norms of international relations as well as the relevant provisions of the China-US consular treaty, and severely damaged China-US relations, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said. The above-mentioned measures by China are a legitimate and necessary response to the unreasonable actions of the US. They are in compliance with international law and basic norms of international relations, as well as diplomatic practices.

The current situation between China and the US is something China does not want to see, and the responsibility rests entirely with the US. We once again urge the US to immediately revoke the erroneous decision and create necessary conditions for the return of bilateral relations to normal, the ministry said. 

The US consulate in Chengdu, covering consular affairs in several provinces and regions including Southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region, had attracted public attention for several occasions. It was opened in October 1985 by former US President George Bush, and had been besieged by crowds to protest the US bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade in 1999. The consulate in 2012 also became a scene for the incident concerning Wang Lijun, former vice mayor and police chief of Southwest China’s Chongqing, who defected and entered the consulate but later left on his own volition. 

Some speculation had earlier emerged that China might close down US Consulate General in Wuhan, Central China’s Hubei Province, as retaliation for the closure of China’s Consulate General in Houston. However, that would be an underestimation of China’s will in taking “equivalent and reciprocal countermeasure,” according to observers. 

As staff had not returned to the Wuhan consulate, its closure would not be equivalent to the US’ bullying and extreme pressure tactics, and would be seen as a weak gesture to the US side.

Lü Xiang, a research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing, told the Global Times that choosing the US consulate in Chengdu is an equivalent and reciprocal countermeasure as the consulate covers the consular services among the Southwest region of China and its number of employees is almost equal to that of China’s consulate in Houston.

“The US is unlikely to make further provocations to close more Chinese diplomatic missions. Choosing the consulate in Houston could help the Trump administration distract the public’s attention of the worsening epidemic situation in Texas, a traditional ‘red state,’ which the Republican party can’t afford to lose,” he said.

But other Chinese consulates in the US are located in cities like New York and San Francisco, which are in the “blue states” that the Republican can’t win, so it would be meaningless for Trump to close more as it won’t help him win the election, Lü said.

If the US continues its crazy moves, China can play another card to retaliate; that is, expelling those so-called “diplomats” from the US who are actually CIA agents located in China, especially those in Hong Kong, Lü noted, adding that this could make the US really feel the pain as its intelligence networks in China, which it has spent decades trying to build, will be closed down. Therefore, it would be so unwise of the US to continue the fight as it will lose more than China. 


US Orders China to Shut Down Consulate

The United States gave China 72 hours to close its consulate in Houston amid accusations of spying, marking a dramatic deterioration in relations between the world’s two biggest economies.

People are burning documents at the Chinese Consulate in Houston, as Beijing says the US abruptly gave it 72 hours to shut it down

Understanding CCP Resilience: Surveying Chinese Public Opinion Through Time We find that first, since the start of the survey in 2003, Chinese citizen satisfaction with government has increased virtually across the board. From the impact of broad national policies to the conduct of local town officials, Chinese citizens rate the government as more capable and effective than ever before. Interestingly, more marginalized groups in poorer, inland regions are actually comparatively more likely to report increases in satisfaction. Second, the attitudes of Chinese citizens appear to respond (both positively and negatively) to real changes in their material well-being, which suggests that support could be undermined by the twin challenges of declining economic growth and a deteriorating natural environment.

While the CCP is seemingly under no imminent threat of popular upheaval, it cannot take the support of its people for granted. Although state censorship and propaganda are widespread, our survey reveals that citizen perceptions of governmental performance respond most to real, measurable changes in individuals’ material well-being. For government leaders, this is a double-edged sword, as citizens who have grown accustomed to increases in living standards will expect such improvements to continue, and citizens who praise government officials for effective policies may indeed blame them when such policy failures affect them or their family members directly. While our survey reinforces narratives of CCP resilience, our data also point to specific areas in which citizen satisfaction could decline in today’s era of slowing economic growth and continued environmental degradation.