“The US War On China”.
Thornberry wants $6 billion this year to launch counter-China fund
The top Republican on the House Armed Services Committee will release a proposal Thursday to formally create a new fund to counter Chinese actions in the Pacific, Defense News has learned.
Rep. Mac Thornberry, R-Texas, is calling for the creation of an Indo-Pacific Deterrence Initiative (IPDI), with a $6.09 billion invest in fiscal year 2021. The fund would be based on the European Deterrence Initiative, a special DoD fund for projects focused on deterring Russia that was set up in the wake of the annexation of Crimea.
“The Indo-Pacific has been called our highest priority theater and I believe that is true. It is time to put our money where our mouth is,” Thornberry told Defense News. “This effort consolidates and funds the policies, infrastructure, and platforms needed to reassure our allies and partners while we deter China. It also serves as a benchmark against which we can judge our efforts in the region. We may not be able to get this all done this year, but it is vital that we make a start.
China-US relations will no longer be the same
https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1185584.shtml?fbclid=IwAR1SVO3JlFJn2GfEI2C5eyieNyJTBEy3e8QYa8TuTljkxgiMDFRxtmDPSoc It is beyond the Chinese people’s imagination that China-US relations have become what they are today. The epidemic outbreak brings new shocks, and the turbulence in relations between the two countries is likely to be more severe. No one in China wants that.
Some held the view that China brought this on itself. Those people said China should fully demonstrate its goodwill toward the US and make major concessions in the hope of regaining the trust of the US and putting the relationship back on track.
Those people are so naïve to believe that it is China that has ruined the China-US relationship and as long as China fundamentally changes its attitude, bilateral ties can improve significantly. There are profound and complex reasons for the deterioration of China-US relations. The biggest driving force behind the change in US attitude toward China is the constant change of the strength pattern between China and the US. The US does not accept the possibility of China becoming a parallel and equal force. This is the fundamental reason.
Many people say that in the 1980s, the relationship between China and the US was so good. Why can’t that atmosphere be recovered? In the 1980s the Soviet Union was the No.1 enemy of the US, and a weak China at that time was the one the US was trying to win over. China’s strategic position was as comfortable as India’s is today, and the US adopted a broadly supportive policy towards China. Today, the situation is quite different. A stronger China is seen by Washington as its top strategic rival, and some US politicians are even thinking of roping in Russia to contain China.
If, as they imagine, the US were to return to its old attitude towards China, the first thing China needs to do is to turn back the clock of development by more than 20 years, and go further to reassure the US. This means that China must first stop its high-tech progress and let the US take the lead in all-round scientific and technological development. China has to focus only on low-end industries, unable to compete with the US and the West in high-end manufacturing.
These are not enough. It also means that China needs to fully accept US dominance over the Taiwan question. China should also accept international arbitration on the South China Sea issue and dismantle its new facilities on Nansha Islands. Beijing will have to accept the arrangement of Washington over questions of Tibet, Xinjiang and Hong Kong of China.
Ultimately, the US would also demand that China impose significant self-limits on its development of nuclear weapons and strategic strike capabilities.
Do you think China can back down on these issues? And where does this end? Did the US let Russia off the hook after the collapse of the Soviet Union? No. Russia inherited the Soviet nuclear weapons, which did not reassure the US. The US has spared no effort to further weaken Russia and squeeze its strategic space.
What the US really wants to do is weaken China so that it completely loses its strategic competitiveness against the US. The US won’t stop until China is brought to its knees and crippled.
Unfortunately, US strategic vigilance against China is fully activated and the reality is that we can’t go back.
It’s meaningless to look back at the old China-US relations. We have to look forward with the strength of realism, accept the challenges we will face as a great power, and meet the challenges of the future with new will and wisdom.
China’s endurance is no longer the same as it was 20 or 30 years ago. We have a unique Chinese philosophy of resistance to pressure. We will not become a second Soviet Union, nor will we provoke the antagonism and confrontation between China and the US from our side. China ‘s way of safeguarding its core interests will be brand new, and we need to surprise history.
Edelman Trust Barometer 2020
Edelman Trust Barometer 2020. Don’t take my words, this is from the West. Of course you can continue to live in delusion.

The Revolution Is Under Way Already
Analogies between the first months of the French Revolution and our current moment are easy to draw. Anthony Fauci, the infectious-diseases expert whom President Donald Trump often sidelines or ignores, is Jacques Necker, the popular finance minister to Louis XVI. Necker’s firing in early July 1789 was viewed widely as a calamity: “It was like losing your father,” the mathematician and astronomer Jean Sylvain Bailly wrote in his memoirs. The recent spike in American gun and ammunition sales recalls the Parisians who stormed the Bastille Fortress in the hope of finding weapons and gunpowder. (They incidentally released a handful of individuals imprisoned there, but that was not the crowd’s original intent.) The conflict among city, state, and federal officials over coronavirus-related closures directly parallels 1789’s municipal revolutions, in which some cities had leaders who quickly proclaimed devotion to the new National Assembly, while the leaders of other cities remained loyal to the old structures of absolutist royal power and the mayors and aldermen of yet others were violently deposed.
Many think coronavirus is China’s ‘Chernobyl moment’, but the authoritarian regime could prove them wrong
Here’s a dangerous idea: what if it turns out that an authoritarian regime is better-equipped to handle the coronavirus emergency than liberal democracies?
What if the Chinese Communist Party teaches us all a lesson?
It isn’t supposed to be that way. Labelled secretive and paranoid by the West, China is meant to be panic-stricken about the mystery killer virus spiralling out of control and turning into an existential crisis.
It should be China’s Chernobyl moment: harkening back to the nuclear disaster in 1986, that is now widely accepted as the tipping point that helped usher in the end to the Soviet Union.
President Xi Jinping Had a Phone Call with US President Donald Trump
President Xi Jinping spoke with US President Donald Trump on the phone on the morning of 7 February.
President Xi highlighted the all-out efforts made by the Chinese government and people to fight the novel coronavirus outbreak. Featuring nationwide mobilization, across-the-board arrangements and rapid response, it is a people’s war against the epidemic with the most comprehensive and rigorous measures. Such efforts are producing results. China has full confidence and capability to prevail over the epidemic. The long-term upward trajectory of the Chinese economy remains unchanged.
Xi affirmed China’s commitment to protecting the lives and health of not only its own people but also other people around the world. With openness, transparency and a sense of responsibility, China has kept WHO, the United States and other countries and regions updated, and has invited WHO and other experts to conduct field visits in Wuhan. As the first line of defence against the epidemic, China has taken timely, decisive and forceful measures, which have been fully recognized and highly appreciated by WHO and many countries.
Xi noted the continuing communication over the epidemic between China and the US. He expressed appreciation for President Trump’s positive comments on China’s efforts on different occasions, and thanked the various communities in the US for their donations. It takes joint efforts from all countries to contain epidemics. The fight against the novel coronavirus outbreak has come to a crucial stage. WHO has repeatedly given its professional advice and called on all countries to avoid overreaction. China hopes that the US will evaluate the situation calmly and develop and adjust its response in line with the actual situation. China and the US should maintain communication and strengthen coordination to jointly control the epidemic.
President Trump expressed full support for China’s efforts to control the epidemic and readiness to send experts to China and provide other forms of assistance. The fact that China has finished building special hospitals for the patients in a matter of days is impressive. It fully demonstrates China’s exceptional ability of organization and response.
Trump expressed confidence that the Chinese people, under the leadership of President Xi, will win the battle against the outbreak. He said that the US has confidence in China’s economic growth. The US will be very calm in its response to the epidemic and continue communication and cooperation with China through bilateral and WHO channels.
Jim Wong’s view
Subject: 黃霑先生之遠見
致 保安局助理秘書長 :
因此,一切危害國家安全,分裂國家主權的行為,明文列為罪行。香港特區,因為實行「一國兩制」,特別不在香港,將我國保護全國安全的法律實施, 而容許香港自行立法。
依我看,這基本法第二十三條的規定,實在已賦予香港人史無例的特有權力。如果我們香港人不珍惜這項權利,不明大局,胡亂接受別有居心人士誤導和唆擺,而反對基本法第二十三條實施,必會終於害己害人,把香港推至非常危險的境地。因為,祖國絕不可能容許或容忍香港特區成為威脅國家的基地。基本法第二十三條一日不立法,香港特區被人利用來反中國的機會就極大了。要知道,我國日漸強大,在一些意圖霸佔世界的巳得利益勢力集團眼中, 恰是十分不願見到的事。
香港特區,絕不能讓這些勢力利用。我們港人,千萬要提高警惕,清楚認明局勢,絕不能著了這些人的道兒。此時此地,很多聲音,其中不少是有意為香港製造麻煩,把我們推進陷阱的, 他們利用這陣子香港經濟低迷,人心不安的機會,努力製造不少表面堂正, 骨子裏居心莫測的言論,左右我們的思考。
最近,更有外國人七咀八舌,議論紛紛,儼然港人福祉,全賴他們代議執言, 此類行為,十分荒謬,身為港人,反感之至,請秘書長無須理會,不必分心。
祝 一切好
黃霑 鞠躬
How do we respond to man-made mass epidemics or even biological warfare?