China sends new high-resolution remote sensing satellite into space

China successfully sent the Gaofen-9 05 高分九号05 – a high resolution Earth observation satellite – into planned orbit via a Long March-2D carrier rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Northwest China’s Gansu Province on Sunday morning at around 10:30 am.

The Gaofen-9 05 is an optical remote-sensing satellite that is capable of providing photographs with a resolution of less than a meter.

It will be used for land surveys, urban planning, road network design, agriculture and disaster relief, and support the construction of the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative, the Global Times learned from China’s space authorities.

A multi-functional experiment satellite that was developed by China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Academy of Military Sciences, and Tiantuo-5, a spacecraft developed by the National University of Defense Technology, were also launched during the mission.
The multi-functional experiment satellite will carry out work in a series of new fields in orbit ranging from communication to navigation. Tiantuo-5 will be used to verify in-orbit information collection capabilities from ships, spacecraft and Internet of Things.

Traveling-wave reactors project cancelled

China National Nuclear Power will cancel a nuclear energy technology development subsidiary scheduled to cooperate with Bill Gates’ Terra Power to develop fourth-generation nuclear energy technology because the US government is standing in the way of the partnership, CNNP announced yesterday.

Terra Power unilaterally terminated the cooperation in the fourth-generation nuclear energy technology traveling-wave reactor with the technology transfer limitations placed by the Trump administration, resulting in the loss of the foundation for the cooperation, the major Chinese energy developer said in its announcement.

CNNP decided to dissolve and cancel CNNP TWR Technology Investment Tianjin overseeing the project funding and CNPC Hebei Nuclear Power in charge of implementing the project, per the announcement.

CNNP’s wholly-owned CNNP Technology Investment unit holds a 50 percent stake in each of the two project companies.

CNNP TWR and Terra Power’s wholly-owned subsidiary set up a joint venture Global Innovation Nuclear Energy Technology with a 50:50 split in November 2017 to jointly develop traveling-wave reactor technology and advance the TWR project, per the announcement.

TWR is fourth-generation nuclear power technology, which uses a nuclear fission reactor to convert material into usable fuel via nuclear transmutation, in conjunction with the burnup of fissile material. Existing unclear power can directly use only about 0.7 percent of the isotopes in natural uranium, but the TWR technology can use 30 percent to 40 percent, and even 60 percent to 70 percent in some cases.

Theoretically the TWR technology can sustain operations for decades on one charge of fuel without replenishment or removal of spent fuel, which reduces the cost and environmental risks of nuclear energy as well as the risk of nuclear proliferation.

TCM Four Diagnostic Monitor

中医问闻望切四诊仪 主要组成及功能编辑

[工作原理 ]
[工作原理 ]

脉象名称:浮 、沉 、迟 、数 、缓 、疾 、结 、代、促、虚、实、弦、紧、滑 、涩 、平等。


Think Pad X1 Fold

Lenovo recently announced it will release the world’s first “foldable-screen” PC, the Think Pad X1 Fold, in the Chinese market. The PC, weighing only 999 grams, is expected to be launched in Sep or Oct.

Self-developed operating system

China’s self-developed operating system Kylinsoft V10, which was officially launched on August 13, is to meet the rising needs for a self-reliant and safer operating system.

Developed jointly by China Standard Software Co and Tianjin Kylin Information, subsidiaries of China Electronics Corporation (CEC), Kylinsoft V10 meets the needs of the 5G era and achieves multi-terminal integration by connecting mobile phones, tablets, PCS and other devices, according to CEC’s report.

The Kylin technology can support a large number of Android applications, and has seamlessly transferred more than 3 million Android compatible hardware and software to domestic platforms.

One of the most important things of V10 is that its desktop version has integrated with the Android compatibility ecosystem, which enables users to download and run a huge number of Android applications, Kong Jinzhu, executive president of Kylinsoft, said in his speech at the launch, adding that the Kylin system has received a high recognition and the massive adaption in governmental departments ranges from customs to transport and agriculture.

Turn desert into farmland

Liquid Nanoclay– a new innovation produced by Norwegian startup Desert Control. Made with just water and clay, Liquid Nanoclay is designed to be sprayed on sand or sandy soil. It soaks in and attaches to sand particles, boosting water retention and enriching the soil with plant-essential nutrients.According to Desert Control, the mixture increases the fertility of nutrient-poor sandy soils and can reduce water usage by more than half. What’s more, Liquid Nanoclay can turn arid land into arable land in just seven hours, says the company.

China exports first batch of independently developed zirconium sponge, key material for nuclear reactor

The first batch of nuclear-grade zirconium sponge independently produced by a Chinese company was recently shipped to Russia, it was announced on Monday by China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) on its official WeChat account.

Nuclear-grade zirconium sponge independently produced by China National Nuclear Corporation ready to be shipped to Russia in August, 2020

For a long time, zirconium alloy material used for fuel assembly in domestic nuclear power plants depended on imports, according to CNNC.

This is the first time that China has sent nuclear-grade zirconium sponge of its own in bulk overseas, marking a breakthrough in the country’s nuclear-grade zirconium material exports. It also signals that China’s nuclear-grade zirconium sponge manufacturing has reached the international level, CNNC said.

In the nuclear industry, zirconium sponge is used to produce zirconium alloys for nuclear reactor components, such as the cladding for fuel rods, according to the Zircon Industry Association.

China-developed vaccine against African swine fever proves effective, to enter production trials

A China-developed vaccine that protects pigs from African Swine Fever (ASF) will soon enter the expanded clinical and production trial stage after previous tests proved effective, moving one step closer to providing immunity for pigs against the ASF virus. 

Developed by the Harbin Veterinary Research Institute (HVRI) under the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), the ASF vaccine had shown positive results in previous tests on 3,000 pigs and is expected to be expanded to clinical trials, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) said on Tuesday. 

First diagnosed in Kenya in 1921 and now spreading to many countries, ASF is a highly contagious viral disease that infects only pigs. The epidemic was prevalent in China in 2018 and 2019. 

The vaccine trials covered about 3,000 pigs from Northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province, Central China’s Henan Province and Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, according to Tang Junhua, the head of CAAS. 

Tang said the vaccinated pigs are in good condition and have no obvious clinical adverse reactions, and no obvious pathological changes have been seen in the immunized pigs.