China not interested in UK CC meeting

3-31-21 Ministers from around 35 countries are due to participate in today’s summit on climate and development.

But while the US, EU, India and others are taking part, China is notable by its absence.

The UK says that China was invited to the event but is not participating.

UK #1 importer country

The United Kingdom’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) data show that the country’s imports of goods from China in the second quarter of 2020 exceeded those of all other countries for the first time in size.

Bird flu fears grow after spate of mysterious UK swan deaths A spate of baffling swan deaths is strongly suspected to be caused by a virulent new strain of avian flu sweeping across Britain.

Dying swans were found spinning in circles and discharging blood from their nostrils on Ulverston canal, Cumbria. Swan rescuers have taken in more than 25 dying birds in Worcestershire and nine swans were found dead in Stanley Park, Blackpool. Postmortem examinations have confirmed that six black swans and cygnets that died in Dawlish, Devon, had contracted the latest strain of bird flu, H5N8.

Poll finds majority support for Scottish independence

The poll by Survation shows 53% in favour of breaking with the union, with 47% against.

It is the latest in a series of surveys since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic showing a majority of Scots in favour of independence – including one by Panelbase which held support at 55% last month.
SNP depute leader Keith Brown said: “This is yet another significant poll for the SNP and the independence movement – showing people want decisions about Scotland to be made by the people who live here, and not Boris Johnson.

Tower of London ravens leave

A group[a] of at least six captive ravens are resident at the Tower of London. Their presence is traditionally believed to protect The Crown and the Tower; a superstition holds that “if the Tower of London ravens are lost or fly away, the Crown will fall and Britain with it.”
It was said that at the execution of Anne Boleyn in 1536, “Even the ravens of the Tower sat silent and immovable on the battlements and gazed eerily at the strange scene. A Queen about to die!”
Two ravens have been caught sneaking out of precincts of the Tower of London .

The two idiots rushed to London were refused entry to the United Kingdom by border control

The two idiots rushed to London after hearing that “BNO holders are eligible for UK visas”. However, they were refused entry to the United Kingdom by border control when they entered the country, according to the UK Daily Mail 7. According to the UK’s Daily Mail 7, the two BNO passport holders had to apply for political asylum if they wanted to enter the UK, otherwise they would be sent back to Hong Kong.

  In July, the British government announced the opening of “special visas” for BNO passport holders. From January 2021 onwards, Hong Kong people holding BNO passports would be granted five-year visas with the right to work and study in the UK, subject to meeting other criteria. Before the special visa comes into effect, BNO passport holders are still entitled to a 6-month visa-free entry into the UK as in the past. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the two Hong Kong nationals have the right to enter the UK, even though they are unable to work and pursue long-term studies for six months. Up to now, the UK border control has not given any reasonable explanation for refusing the entry of these two people into the UK. The UK Border Agency’s recommendation of “applying for political asylum” is not a good option for these two people, as they will not be able to work in the UK and their other rights to remain in the country will be affected once they enter as “political evaders”.


The first idiot to be refused entry flew to London immediately after the British Foreign Secretary announced a “special visa for BNO holders”. The UK Daily Mail revealed his conversation with the UK border checkpoint in his own words.

  UK Border Control: If you are unable to enter the UK, we will send you back to your home country.

  The person who was refused entry: Please don’t do that, please help me, because if I go back to Hong Kong, I will be in immediate danger.

  The Hong Kong resident who was refused entry also told the border control that if he was deported, the Hong Kong government would charge him with “disloyalty” and he would even be arrested upon landing in Hong Kong.

  Compared to the first BNO passport holder who was refused entry, the description of the second rejected person is even more exaggerated and dramatic from the reports and self-reports.

  This person, who claimed to be working in the IT industry in Hong Kong, said that his grandfather was a secret agent of the Kuomintang (KMT) in Hong Kong and left his family some “secret documents against the Chinese Communist Party”, and that he came to the UK to escape danger.

  The rejected man said he had sent them to some foreign intelligence agencies, but since Hong Kong’s National Security Law came into force, he had “destroyed all his copies” out of fear, and would not show them to anyone. Therefore, the report could not confirm the existence and contents of these documents.

  Now, the latest Home Office announcement on entry requirements for BNO holders is that those who entered the UK before the “special visa route for BNO holders” was opened, but do not meet the immigration requirements, can only obtain a short term visa with severely restricted rights of abode.

  In other words, if they cannot be allowed to enter the UK normally, they will have to return to Hong Kong and try to re-enter the UK in January next year if they wish to obtain a long term visa for the two BNO passport holders who have been refused entry to the UK.

Zhang Weiwei, Professor Timothy Ash debate

Zhang Weiwei had a debate with Professor Timothy Ash, a senior scholar at the University of Oxford in the UK, on “China’s victory over the epidemic proves that the Chinese model is superior to the Western liberal model of democracy”, with Zhang on the positive side and Ash on the negative. In addition to the anti-epidemic model, they also discussed the Taiwan issue, the crisis of the Western model, and the global impact of the Chinese model. China is a fascinating story, and sometimes we achieve better communication by engaging!

Q. and A.: Zhang Weiwei on Why China Will Succeed Under the ...

UK tells telcos to stockpile Huawei gear

UK tells telcos to stockpile Huawei gear in face of U.S. sanctions – letter 6-19-20 Just hang on for 5 more months and things will be OK.  Huawei is expected to receive planning permission this week to build a $494.24 million R&D centre in Sawston village for researching and developing chips for use in broadband in UK.

UK wants to form ‘D10’ group to freeze out Huawei for 5G

Boris Johnson  instructed officials to draw up plans to cut Huawei out of the network by 2023, is proposing a “D10″ club of democratic partners that would include the G7 nations, Australia, South Korea and India. Finland’s Nokia and Sweden’s Ericsson are Europe’s only current alternative options for supplying 5G equipment such as antennas and relay masts.