October Hoax

10-5-20 ‘I feel better than I did 20 years ago’: Trump announces he’s ready to leave the hospital Monday evening. Want to feel 20 years younger? Get infected.

Trump driving by his supporters outside Walter Reed military hospital. 10-4-20

Trump predicted the October Surprise, and he is well after a couple of days of treatment, what a fake.

Trump and Melania tested positive for coronavirus, the President twitted early Friday morning. 10-2-20.
Trump had been taken to Walter Reed on Friday
The sick

Portugal Rejects U.S. Meddling in its Relations With China

The head of the Portuguese diplomacy rejected U.S. meddling in his country´s relations with China, after the american ambassador to Lisbon warned that partnering with Chinese tech company Huawei on 5G could have “consequences” for Portugal´s  Defense policy.

George Edward Glass

U.S. diplomat George Glass said in his interview that Portugal must choose between the “ally” United States and the “trading partner” China and stressed there may be security and defense consequences for the European country if it chooses to work with Beijing. Glass says the US preferred that Portugal did not have any Huawei 5G equipment, underlining that if the that happens, the relationship in Defense between Portugal and the United States will change. The American Ambassador says that the consequences of Portugal choosing to work with China will not be political, at least not immediately, but may have to do with NATO’s activity or the exchange of classified information. George Glass also threatens to end the distribution of natural gas through the port of Sines, if the construction of the new terminal is given to China.

A response from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Augusto Santos Silva, on the same day. “The Portuguese Government makes note of the statements […]. But the fundamental point is this: in Portugal, the decision-makers are the Portuguese authorities, who make the decisions that benefit Portugal, within the framework of the Constitution and Portuguese law and the powers that the law gives (…) relevant authorities”, Santos Silva said, quoted by Lusa news agency.

Augusto Santos Silva

Slip of the tongue

Funds for the riots in Hong Kong and Belarus
鬼拍後尾枕 , 不打自招
Michael T Mccaul – A member of the Republican Party, he served as chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security during the 113th, 114th, and 115th Congresses. A big mouth.
Michael Pack is an American conservative filmmaker who is CEO of the U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM) under President Donald Trump. Pack assumed office in June 2020 after Senate confirmation.

Kushner Owed Money To Bank Tied To Taiwan’s Government During WH Tenure

Jared Kushner owed money to a bank with ties to Taiwan’s government while working at the White House, according to a new book by Forbes’ senior editor Dan Alexander, White House, Inc., signaling a possible conflict that was never reported due to a loophole in disclosure laws and one that could have implications for the country’s diplomatic relationships with Taiwan and China.

Kushner and his partners bought an old warehouse in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, called the Austin Nichols House in 2015 for a reported $275 million and turned it into a luxury condo building.  

The deal came witha $175 million mortgage on the property held by Kushner and his partners; a 2017 split left a bank called Mega International Commercial Bank 兆丰银行 with $50 million of the loan, according to financial documents reviewed by Alexander. 
The loan documents specifically name Kushner as one of the two guarantors of the debt.






U.S. Drops Case Against Chinese Scientist at UVA

Prosecutors abruptly moved to drop criminal charges against a visiting Chinese scientist at the University of Virginia who had been arrested last month on allegations of stealing trade secrets from his professor, after the university acknowledged the scientist was authorized to access some of the material. Another BS allegation.

Second American Civil War

The ‘Second American Civil War’ (SACW) started in May as a rural-urban divide, with Trumpian rural voters on one side and Democrat-leaning urbanites on the other. It is a conflict fuelled by differing responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in which conservative (mostly Republican) states have backed Trump’s calls to open up the economy and Democrat-majority states have generally acted on public health advice. Armed white militia members began acting out in earnest at the end of April when they stormed into the Michigan State legislature demanding an end to the state’s coronavirus lockdown. Two weeks later, they were back protesting “stay-at-home” orders.

Right-wing, mostly White and heavily-armed, militia gangs have been on the move since the beginning of the year. In January, a mob gathered in Richmond, the state capital of Virginia, to protest against gun control measures. In one respect, this is nothing new. Large gatherings of armed White militia have been a feature of the Trump presidency, almost from the get-go, but their size, intensity and frequency have increased significantly this year.
This ramping up of gun-toting White extremists forming up to harass and intimidate people and politicians is definitely linked to the resurgence of Black Lives Matter in the wake of the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Breonna Taylor and countless other Black men and women at the hands of police officers.

  • Taylor, a 26-year-old Black emergency medical worker, was shot five times by officers who entered her home using a no-knock warrant during a drug investigation March 13. The warrant was connected with someone who did not live there, and no drugs were found during the search. The use of no-knock warrants is now banned in the city. Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer declared a state of emergency and announced a 72-hour curfew starting at 9 p.m. The Louisville Metro Police Department announced it was putting barricades around the downtown perimeter where protests have been concentrated. The Kentucky National Guard was also deployed in the city.
    US President Donald Trump has said that the federal government is ready to involve itself in Louisville, Kentucky, where two officers were shot amid protests over the lack of murder charges in the Breonna Taylor case.
A Kentucky grand jury opted to indict only one of the three Louisville police officers in the raid that led to Breonna Taylor’s death earlier this year. Former Sgt. Brett Hankison was charged with three counts of wanton endangerment for firing rounds during the raid that went into neighboring apartments, but not in the death of Taylor.
10-5-20 A black militia group, the Not F***ing Around Coalition (NFAC), assembled in Lafayette, Louisiana to protest police violence. The demonstration comes amid growing racial tensions in the United States. Several hundred black-clad NFAC members, many of them carrying assault rifles, paraded through Lafayette on Saturday. The column included people wearing body armor and other tactical gear.