Venezuela downed unidentified US plane

On 9 July, the Strategic Command Operations of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces has reported that it shoot down unidentified aircraft with a U.S. serial identification number as it violated the country’s airspace.

“CEOFANB reports that the United Aerospace Defence Command detected an aircraft with a US hull number intruding Venezuelan airspace overnight 8 July and neutralized it with military jets according to protocols”, the military said on Twitter.

Some sources reported that fighter jets of the Bolivarian Venezuelan Military Aviation forced a ‘narco jet’ transporting cocaine to land. After landing in the field, the crew allegedly set fire to the plane to hide all evidence.

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Venezuela thwarts ‘mercenary’ infiltration attempt from Colombia

Venezuelan authorities say they have foiled a raid by “foreign mercenaries” trying to reach the Latin American nation by sea to launch terrorist attacks and assassinate government officials.

A group of mercenaries have tried to infiltrate Venezuela’s major port of La Guaira, located just north of the nation’s capital of Caracas, Interior Minister Nestor Reverol said in a televised address. The incident, which the minister called “an invasion by sea,” was part of preparations for another coup attempt, he added.

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Image may contain: one or more people, sky, outdoor and water

A Venezuelan navy coastal patrol boat sank in the Caribbean

A Venezuelan navy coastal patrol boat sank in the Caribbean after allegedly ramming a cruise ship that it had ordered to change direction.

The owners of the Portuguese-flagged RCGS Resolute said the naval vessel Naiguata also fired shots in an “act of aggression in international waters”.

The collision left the cruise ship, which has a reinforced hull for sailing in icy waters, with only minor damage.

Venezuela accused the Resolute of an act of “aggression and piracy”.

It also said it “did not rule out” that the cruise ship “was transporting mercenaries to attack military bases in Venezuela”.

President Nicolás Maduro has previously accused the United States and other countries of plotting to overthrow him.